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ATCO Electric’s “Smart Grid” Strategy

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Presentation on theme: "ATCO Electric’s “Smart Grid” Strategy"— Presentation transcript:

1 ATCO Electric’s “Smart Grid” Strategy

2 ATCO Electric “SmartGrid” Strategy
Define / understand: What is “Smart Grid”? – no consistent definition How does it fit in Alberta’s market? Monitor industry activity DOE’s white paper on Smart Meters (AMI) Other utility activities – U.S. and Canada Work with CEA & other industry groups Our plan is progressive / incremental: Central OIC →DSCADA→DA→DMS→AMI→”SmartGrid”

3 Key Steps Centralize operational control, dispatch & DG interfaces
Automate WFM / OMS / fault prediction Determine corporate design and operating standards – Telecomm – O&M standards – Cyber-security – Design criteria Review current AMR capability for PLC / AMI functionality Determine business criteria for DSCADA / DA sites Identify potential DSCADA / DA sites Implement DSCADA / DA in selected locations Jasper, rapidly growing urban areas, remote / isolated areas Upgrade existing DSCADA / DA sites into new standards

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