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ENG IV: Voc. #7.

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1 ENG IV: Voc. #7

2 Eng. IV. Voc. #7 Day 1: Copy words and definitions
Word(s) & (PoS) Definitions demote (v) move down in grade or rank depreciate (v) go down in price; belittle discrepancy (n) disagreement; variation dissent (v) differ in opinion secede (v) withdraw from an organization or federation imbibe (v) to absorb (information/learning); to take in; to drink envision (v) foresee hedonist (n) Person who pursues pleasure as a goal precocious (adj) / precocity (n) showing unusually early development, especially mentally (v) / early development (n) voracious (adj) / voracity (n) extremely hungry; greedy; eager for an activity or interest (v) / greed; eagerness (n)

3 Eng. IV. Voc. #7 Day 2: Write original sentences for the first 5 words. Word(s) & (PoS) Definitions demote (v) move down in grade or rank depreciate (v) go down in price; belittle discrepancy (n) disagreement; variation dissent (v) differ in opinion secede (v) withdraw from an organization or federation

4 Eng. IV. Voc. #7 Day 3: Write original sentences for the last 5 words.
Word(s) & (PoS) Definitions imbibe (v) to absorb (information/learning); to take in; to drink envision (v) foresee hedonist (n) Person who pursues pleasure as a goal precocious (adj) / precocity (n) showing unusually early development, especially mentally (v) / early development (n) voracious (adj) / voracity (n) extremely hungry; greedy; eager for an activity or interest (v) / greed; eagerness (n)

5 move down in grade or rank
Voc. #7: Day 4 – Write FIVE fill-in-the-blank sentences then trade to complete. Word(s) & (PoS) Definitions demote (v) move down in grade or rank depreciate (v) go down in price; belittle discrepancy (n) disagreement; variation dissent (v) differ in opinion secede (v) withdraw from an organization or federation imbibe (v) to absorb (information/learning); to take in; to drink envision (v) foresee hedonist (n) Person who pursues pleasure as a goal precocious (adj) / precocity (n) showing unusually early development, especially mentally (v) / early development (n) voracious (adj) / voracity (n) extremely hungry; greedy; eager for an activity or interest (v) / greed; eagerness (n)

6 Eng. IV. Voc. #7 Now, write 5 of your own!
Day 5: Using the word bank provided, complete the following analogies with 5 of the words. demote depreciate discrepancy dissent secede imbibe envision hedonist precocious voracity __________ : downgrade :: promote : advance argue : __________ :: agree : support anticipation: __________ :: dread : trepidation home value : __________ :: interest rates : increase corroborate : __________ :: confirm : deny Now, write 5 of your own!

7 ENG IV: Voc. #8

8 Eng. IV. Voc. #8 Day 1: Copy words and definitions
Word(s) & (PoS) Definitions circumlocution (n) roundabout way of speaking circumspect (adj) cautious; prudent (looking around at options/circumstances before deciding on something) coalesce (v) grow together; combine travesty (n) an absurd or inferior imitation (ex: a travesty of justice) ostentatious (adj) showy; displaying wealth obtrude (v) / obtrusive (adj) intrude; provide without being asked / being intrusive concoct (v) / concoction (n) to mix ingredients; to invent or devise (v) / an invention (n) plutocracy (n) government by the rich demagogue (n) political leader who stirs up people for personal advantage perfidious (adj) faithless, disloyal, untrustworthy

9 Eng. IV. Voc. #8 Day 2: Write original sentences. Word(s) & (PoS)
Definitions circumlocution (n) roundabout way of speaking circumspect (adj) cautious; prudent (looking around at options/circumstances before deciding on something) coalesce (v) grow together; combine travesty (n) an absurd or inferior imitation (ex: a travesty of justice) ostentatious (adj) showy; displaying wealth

10 Eng. IV. Voc. #8 Day 2: Write original sentences. Word(s) & (PoS)
Definitions circumlocution (n) roundabout way of speaking The tired man started talking in circumlocution, so he avoided the point. circumspect (adj) cautious; prudent (looking around at options/circumstances before deciding on something) I need to be circumspect when I make important decisions. coalesce (v) grow together; combine My sister and I coalesced our money together. travesty (n) an absurd or inferior imitation (ex: a travesty of justice) My friend made a travesty of copying my original style. ostentatious (adj) showy; displaying wealth The ostentatious celebrity ended up with a lot of fancy cars but bankrupt.

11 Eng. IV. Voc. #8 Day 3: Write original sentences. Word(s) & (PoS)
Definitions obtrude (v) / obtrusive (adj) intrude; provide without being asked / being intrusive concoct (v) / concoction (n) to mix ingredients; to invent or devise (v) / an invention (n) plutocracy (n) government by the rich demagogue (n) political leader who stirs up people for personal advantage perfidious (adj) faithless, disloyal, untrustworthy

12 Voc. #8: Day 4 – Write FIVE fill-in-the-blank sentences then trade to complete.
Word(s) & (PoS) Definitions circumlocution (n) roundabout way of speaking circumspect (adj) cautious; prudent (looking around at options/circumstances before deciding on something) coalesce (v) grow together; combine travesty (n) an absurd or inferior imitation (ex: a travesty of justice) ostentatious (adj) showy; displaying wealth obtrude (v) / obtrusive (adj) intrude; provide without being asked / being intrusive concoct (v) / concoction (n) to mix ingredients; to invent or devise (v) / an invention (n) plutocracy (n) government by the rich demagogue (n) political leader who stirs up people for personal advantage perfidious (adj) faithless, disloyal, untrustworthy

13 Eng. IV. Voc. #8 Now, write 5 analogies of your own.
Day 5 - Complete the following analogies: circumlocution circumspect coalesce travesty demagogue concoct plutocracy obtrude ostentatious perfidious 2 Chainz : __________ :: Mother Teresa : humble president : Obama :: __________ Hitler follow : recipe :: __________ : a magic potion __________ : government :: disaster : hurricane fib : white lie :: __________ : evasive Now, write 5 analogies of your own.

14 ENG IV: Voc. #9

15 Eng. IV. Voc. #9 Day 1: Copy words and definitions
Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions permeate (v) pass through pertinent (adj) relevant; to the point sagacity (n) wisdom (sage = a wise person) rancorous (adj) bitter, hateful panacea (n) remedy for all ills; cure-all tenacious (adj) / tenacity (n) determined, keeping a firm grip on (adj) / determination (n) anachronism (n) error in chronology or time chronicle (n) historical account of events in the order of time transient (adj) temporary, short-lived, fleeting vindicate (v) to clear from blame or suspicion

16 Eng. IV. Voc. #9 Day 2: Write original sentences for 5 of the words.
Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions permeate (v) pass through pertinent (adj) relevant; to the point sagacity (n) wisdom (sage = a wise person) rancorous (adj) bitter, hateful panacea (n) remedy for all ills; cure-all

17 Eng. IV. Voc. #9 Day 3: Write original sentences for 5 of the words.
Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions tenacious (adj) / tenacity (n) determined, keeping a firm grip on (adj) / determination (n) anachronism (n) error in chronology or time chronicle (n) historical account of events in the order of time transient (adj) temporary, short-lived, fleeting vindicate (v) to clear from blame or suspicion

18 Voc. #9: Day 4 – Write FIVE fill-in-the-blank sentences then trade to complete.
Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions permeate (v) pass through pertinent (adj) relevant; to the point sagacity (n) wisdom (sage = a wise person) rancorous (adj) bitter, hateful panacea (n) remedy for all ills; cure-all tenacious (adj) / tenacity (n) determined, keeping a firm grip on (adj) / determination (n) anachronism (n) error in chronology or time chronicle (n) historical account of events in the order of time transient (adj) temporary, short-lived, fleeting vindicate (v) to clear from blame or suspicion

19 Eng. IV. Voc. #9 Now, write 5 analogies of your own.
Day 5: Using the word bank provided, complete the following analogies with 5 of the words. permeate pertinent sagacity rancorous panacea tenacious anachronism chronicle transient vindicate traveling nurse : __________ :: resident doctor : permanent __________ : education and experience :: solutions : trial and error __________ : irrelevant :: coherent : unorganized positive : attitude :: __________ : will power story : fiction :: __________ : nonfiction Now, write 5 analogies of your own.

20 Eng. IV: Voc. #7-9 Review

21 Voc. #7-9 Review Looking over Voc. #7-9 lists, pick the TWO words from EACH lesson that are the most difficult for you to remember To practice applying these words, do at least on of the following for each Illustrate it Write a synonym and antonym for the word Create a one-line rhyme using the word

22 Stump a Scholar… Looking over all your vocabulary lists (#7-9), pick 2 words from EACH lesson. Create a word bank with your 6 words. Write fill-in-the blank sentences for each word. Trade with a partner and complete each other’s challenge. Trade back to “grade” Eight “volunteers” will add a word to the bank on the board and put sentences on display.  *Test Friday

23 Vocabulary Warm-up Review
Working alone or with a partner, write a SHORT, fictional story using at least 6 of the vocabulary words (2 from each lesson #7-9). Be prepared to share these out loud. 

24 Vocabulary Warm-up Review
Pick up a Voc. #7-9 Cross Word from the front desk. You will have 10 minutes to work on it; it is due by tomorrow for a grade. Reminder: Test tomorrow. 

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