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Tired of the allowance? Time to make your own money

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1 Tired of the allowance? Time to make your own money
How to get a job...Bruin style

2 What does it take to land your first job?
Resume This is a one page document that outlines your experience and qualifications. Cover Letter/Letter of Introduction This is a two to three paragraph letter that introduces yourself and provides the potential employer with insight into who you are and why you are qualified for the job. Interview This is the in person meeting between you and the potential employer to determine if you are a good fit for the company and the position for which you have applied. Prior to clicking through the slide, as the class the following questions. 1 - Raise your hand if you currently have a job at a where you earn a paycheck. 2 - Of the students who raise their hands, ask them if they are okay sharing with the class where they work and what they do? If they are okay with it, have them provide this information. After this feedback from the students begin the slide.

3 Building a Resume A resume is not… A resume is
A boring list of things that you got a star for in kindergarten A log of your job history No one wants to hear about the first time you babysat for your aunt because she wanted to go to a concert and you had the time A summary of skills Your nunchuck and bow-staff skills are not pertinent here unless you are applying to be Napoleon Dynamite’s sidekick Will not automatically get you the job. A resume is An advertisement of you and your skill sets that demonstrates you can be successful in the job. We do want to see that you are CPR and First Aid trained/certified In you life, what roles and responsibilities do you have and how are these responsibilities related to the job you want? Sorry kids..No medals for participation here. The resume is your golden ticket to getting the interview!

4 Examples of Resumes 1 - For each of these resumes, have the student’s identify one aspect of each resume they like and one they aspect they would change. 2 - On a piece of paper, have them begin to create one. They should begin with their name, , phone number, address and education level/G.P.A.

5 Resume Resources
Resume resources for you

6 Cover Letter A cover letter is the narrative that you provide in conjunction with your resume to provide insight to your potential employer about who you are as a person and why you are qualified for the position. This is no longer than one page. Highlights examples of your responsibilities and why you are the best person for the position.

7 Parts of the cover letter
Part 1: Contact Information, Date Employer, Address Part 2: Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself, explain who you are, and two or three facts about yourself to explain why you are the best candidate for the job. Part 3: Paragraph 2: What do you have to offer to the employer? Loyalty, trustworthiness, and accomplishments that relate to the job. For example, if you are applying for a job as a cashier. You would highlight your attention to detail and how you are a rule follower. If you are applying to a sandwich shop, you would highlight your ability to listen to directions and follow through. Include in this section examples of your amazing qualities. Part 4: Paragraph 3: Closing of the letter. In this portion, include the next steps. You are for example attaching a resume and personal and professional references and are looking forward to hearing from the employer.

8 Examples of Cover Letters

9 You got the call for the interview!!!!!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src=" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> 1 - Why are you a good fit for this role? 2 - Why do you want to work for us? 3 - What are your strengths and weaknesses? 4 - Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Play video. After video, have students get into groups and have them ask the questions to each other. Walk around and listen to student responses. Pick one or two student examples to highlight at the end.

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