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Word choice diction.

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Presentation on theme: "Word choice diction."— Presentation transcript:

1 word choice diction

2 containing water aqueous

3 self-governing; independent

4 speak in favor of advocate

5 summary synopsis

6 little importance trivial

7 warlike belligerent

8 100th anniversary centennial

9 remove; cut out excise

10 self-governing; independent

11 assign origin ascribe

12 word choice diction

13 assign origin ascribe

14 warlike belligerent

15 self-governing; independent

16 100th anniversary centennial

17 speak in favor of advocate

18 100th anniversary centennial

19 little importance trivial

20 containing water aqueous

21 speak in favor of advocate

22 remove; cut out excise

23 little importance trivial

24 summary synopsis

25 warlike belligerent

26 assign origin ascribe

27 remove; cut out excise

28 summary synopsis

29 word choice diction

30 containing water aqueous

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