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Welcome to Back to School Night
First Grade
First Grade Team E-mail Ms. Brossard :
Ms. Lehti: Mrs. Thacker: Mrs. Merrill: Ability Group Teachers Ms. Izzi: Ms. Olson: Please be sure to check the first grade website and read the news tab thoroughly before ing teachers. All important upcoming events and information will be featured on our website!
Specials Teachers Art Ms. Moore Music
Ms. Blackman P.E. Mr. McGarva Tech Ms. Birdno Curriculum, Classroom resources/tools, Grading, and Extra Curricular opportunities
Specials (Physical Education)
Teacher – William McGarva (Coach) Curriculum: Includes a variety of sports, games, skills, and fitness activities. Activities will include weekly objectives based around improving skills, building character, and will incorporate teamwork and sportsmanship. Classroom resources and tools: Sports, fitness, and skills equipment. FitnessGram assessment technology. Grading: 50% Participation 50% Projects, skills, and assessments
Specials (Technology)
Teacher – Alyssa Birdno Curriculum: A well rounded curriculum including; proper keyboarding, computer programing, internet safety, internet research, graphics programs, etc. Classroom resources and tools: Using the software for Technology called Used to receive assignments/curriculum, turning in work, take assessments and work on typing, all online. Grading: 50% Participation 50% Projects, skills, and assessments. Extra Curricular opportunities: Broadcasting (Still in need of participants) Mileage Club
Specials (Music) Teacher – Lindsay Blackman Curriculum:
Will encompass music fundamentals like rhythm, dynamics, pitch, tempos, form, and phrasing. All of these will be taught using songs, dance, instruments, stories, and activities designed to inspire creative thinking. Classroom resources and tools: Keyboards, Drums, Pandora, youtube, and a host of different music apps for Ipad that will be projected full screen so that there is full engagement and participation.
Specials (Music) continued…
Grading: Students are expected to participate fully and with maximum effort. Participation counts for half the grade, and assessments will be based on demonstrating acquired knowledge of musical fundamentals. Occasionally, a playing assessment will be used, but the impact on grades due to playing ability will be minimal. Extra Curricular opportunities: Band and Orchestra are the main extra curricular opportunities for the musically minded. Previous experience is helpful but not necessary for the Rebel Groups. Spring Musical-keep an eye out for updates on the school website
Specials (Art) Teacher – Marylyn Moore Curriculum:
Artists are taught a brief art history from multiple cultures and eras prior to each lesson. They are then to use the Elements of Art (Color, Line, Form, Value, Texture, Space) to create a self expressed art piece. They must use problem solving skills to work through difficult material or concepts. Classroom resources and tools: Tempra, Acrylic & watercolor paint, markers, crayons, “light tracers” (Windows), variety of colored pencils, “How To Draw” books, Resource books, Supply table
Specials (Art) continued…
Grading: 50% participation 50% Art project (Based on the focused element, style, or concept of art) Extra Curricular opportunities: ECA’s will be offered to 3rd – 5th this year. More information to come on the Website
Communication We are so excited to partner with you this year, and want to make it a successful year for your child. Since we see you as a valuable member of our team, please come to us if you have an issue, or if your child comes home and says something that alarms you. Per our communication policy we ask that you come to the teacher first, because most of the time it is a misunderstanding that we can talk through. After that if you still can’t resolve the issue with us, you are welcome to bring Ms. Norton or Ms. Miller into the conversation.
Daily Schedule Homeroom –8:05-8:10 Math –8:10-9:08 Science/History–9:11-9:55 Literacy Block 1 –9:57-10:42 Lunch/Recess–10:45-11:29 Literacy Block 2 –11:30-1:05 Specials –1:08-1:53 Science/History –1:56-2:36 Snack/Recess –2:37-3:05 Homeroom (AA Character/Leader in Me) –3:05-3:30
Curriculum Overview Math: Saxon
•Literacy: Spalding, Step Up to Writing, Shurley Grammar •History: Core Knowledge •Science: New Generation Science Standards •Character Building: Leader in Me and AA Character
Math: Saxon Daily Homework-homework will come home in student’s RED folder every night. Students will typically only have one piece of homework Mon-Thurs. Studies have shown that play and family time are crucial to children’s development, so we are lightening the load of homework this year! We also encourage you to read with your child every night! Please sign your child’s homework each night Math: Saxon Please turn homework in on time •-10% one day late •-50% two days late •0 credit if 3 or more days late
Literacy: Spalding, Step Up to Writing, and Shurley Grammar
Spalding –a multi-sensory, standards based literacy program that supports students in spelling, reading and writing. Step Up to Writing –standards based writing curriculum to support students in the areas of vocabulary, language, listening, reading and writing Shurley Grammar –grammar support using jingles and daily grammar practice Core Knowledge –poems, sayings, and literature
Ability Grouping Math •Math is leveled (Ex: Saxon 2 = 2ndgrade math) Literacy •We ability group for literacy. We will have intervention, supported, standard, and advanced-standard classes. •Placements are based on multiple points of data, and a percentage of each test to calculate a composite percentage. We use writing benchmarks, Morrison McCall, Dibels, MAPS Reading, and IReady. •Placements are flexible. Teams meet with AG teachers and Ms. Norton to go over data and possible movements
History: Core Knowledge
•Spiraling Curriculum •First Grade Units include: •Geography(7 continents, 4 oceans, countries of North America) •Early Civilizations (Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, World Religions) •Modern Civilizations and Culture (Mexico) •Early People and Civilizations (Maya, Inca, Aztec) •Early Exploration and Settlement of the Americas •American Revolution
Science: Next Generation Science Standards & STEM
Hands on curriculum that teaches the scientific process First Grade Units Include: •Light, Sound, and Electricity •Universe •Hereditary •Growth and Development of Organisms STEM Units Include: •Chemical Engineering •Marine Biology
Why are we using Kickboard?
Focus on Positive Behaviors We understand the real impact a positive culture has on our school and our students. We strive to build the same safe and happy culture so that each of us can thrive. Schools who use positive behavior support systems have higher academic growth across the board Students thrive when they understand what is expected of them Everyone can be consistent by using common language as we work toward a common goal Parents, teachers, and students all have access to the system to see what behaviors are happening at school Positive behaviors are reinforced through individual and group incentives Help us focus student expectations and character development with the same intentionality as academic content Behavior expectations are positively stated, and then are further defined across various settings within the school
Kickboard Access? Kickboard Login Papers Went Home at Open House
If you didn’t get one, please your teacher or Go to Enter in username at the top of the page and your child’s birthdate (example 01/15/2006) Write down the new username that appears it will be first initial, last name, -6pj example smiller-6pj *note* the computer automatically saves your as the username. This will not work Then create your password Write down your information your Dean if you run into any issues.
Spending Rebel Bucks Weekly Goal- Each week students will work towards earning $20 Rebel Bucks, so they can participate in our Friday Fun Afternoon. Some weeks this will be extra recess and other times we will do fun centers in the classroom. Monthly Goal- First Grade will have a store with “items” for students to purchase Examples- Bring a stuffed animal to school, Lunch Bunch with the teacher, Show and Tell, Bubbles at Recess Trimester Goal- At the end of the Trimester students are working towards a First Grade Movie Party by earning the trimester goal (amount to be determined).
AA Manners & Character AA Manners and AA Character Traits are practiced daily during all parts of our school day We will connect and integrate the character traits and manners into all of our core subjects. Please help your child practice these skills at home as well. We celebrate our amazing character and manners with weekly “Shout Outs”, Kickboard Rebel Bucks, and Leadership Awards each trimester
Behavior Management -Warm Fuzzy Jars -Kickboard
-Each class has a warm fuzzy jar that they are working towards filling as a group to earn a special class treat like a movie afternoon or stuffed animal day! -Kickboard -It is our behavior management software that allows our staff an instant access to record the behavior of our students.
Behavior Management Shout Outs
•Teachers can also nominate students to receive shout outs on Friday for showing awesome character! If they are nominated Ms. Norton will read their name over the morning announcements on Friday and they’ll get to go to the office to receive their shout-out card and a special prize from Ms. Norton! Leadership Awards •Once a trimester two students from each grade receive leadership awards. A special assembly is held in which the recipients are given their award by Ms. Norton and Ms. Lane
Behavior Management Logical Consequences
•Students will receive logical consequences when their behavior needs redirection. For example if they say something unkind to a friend they will need to write them an apology note and tell them something they love about them. Behavior Think Sheet •When a student is having a hard time turning around their behavior they will receive a behavior think sheet. These will be sent home in their red folder, and you will receive an to know it is going home. Please review what happened with your child, how they can improve and grow from the situation and return it signed in their red folder the next day. Write-Up •If a student is having an especially hard time with their behavior they will receive a write-up through Kickboard. You will receive both an from the teacher and Mrs. Miller.
Infinite Campus Please check infinite campus for upcoming assignments and to be certain your student’s work has been turned in. •Student’s assignments will be marked as “missing” if they were absent, did not turn in work, or the teacher does not have the assignment. •Teacher will leave a comment in IC as to why the assignment was marked missing.
General Information Birthdays:
•Please contact your child’s homeroom teacher for information on how they celebrate birthdays. As a school policy we do not allow any food treats for birthdays. Snacks: •Please send your child with 1 healthy nut-free snack every day. Water Bottles: •Students should be bringing a LABELED water bottle to class. Yellow Folders: •Students will be bringing home graded work, and other important information in their yellow folder on Fridays. You may KEEP all work that comes home in the yellow folder. Please have your child return their yellow folder every Monday.
Field Trips & Upcoming Events Field Trips: •Please look in our newsletters for upcoming field trips throughout the year Upcoming Events: •Harvest Party •Winter Party •Valentine’s Day Party
Red Homework Folder Two sides of the folder:
Left at Home- please take out these items each night- graded assignments, in class work, and flyers Right Back to School- homework assignments and items that need to be returned to school go on this side Will come home every night with (or without assignments in it) Complete work as assigned by teacher Return folder to school every day
Parent/Teacher Conferences
There are 3 scheduled conferences for this school year October 3 & 4 January 23 & 24 May 15 & 16 These are the best times to meet with your child’s teachers. We will discuss goals, progress, and next steps for your child. Conferences are NOT mandatory, but encouraged Look for a Sign-Up Genius link about one week before each conference. Please READ carefully, to know which of your child’s teachers to sign up with (reading, math, homeroom, etc.). ** We will contact you if there is a concern on a child’s progress that requires an additional conference outside of these scheduled times**
School Uniform Policy American Academy has a uniform, not a dress code. Make sure tops and bottoms are from Dennis. Sweatshirts – send a sweatshirt or sweater everyday. Any sweatshirt can be worn outside for recess. American Academy sweatshirts only inside school. Please LABEL your child’s clothing!! It all looks so similar!
School Uniform Policy Socks: Shoes: Navy, Red, White, Black ONLY
Girls may have the Dennis Plaid Trim Tights – Navy, Red, White, Black Shoes: Must be no higher than the ankle Closed Toe Shoes ONLY Casual/Dress – SOLID Black, Brown, Navy Athletic – No glitter, characters, beads Boots – No Boots indoors, bring a change of shoes Any questions about AA Uniform Policy- Go to: *AA website *Quicklinks *Parents *Student Uniforms *Student Uniform Policy
Final Items -Carpool Please make sure that you are following the carpool rules and are being safe at that time. We try to get your student outside as quickly as possible to make the line move a bit faster. If your child gets recalled, please go all the way to the end of the line and park on the side until they come down to recall. -Food at class parties American Academy has decided to allow certain foods in the classroom if they enhance the lessons being taught from our curriculum. First grade wants to make sure that we are still keeping our students with allergies in mind during these times. We will let you know ahead of time and plan accordingly to make sure your child still gets to be involved while at the same time making sure they are safe.
Thank you for coming! Any questions?
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