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Welcome to Our January Webinar For Nature’s Sunshine Consultants

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2 Welcome to Our January Webinar For Nature’s Sunshine Consultants
Improving Your Skills as a Nature’s Sunshine Consultant – A Conversation with Lisa Keyes January 26, 2012

3 My Contact Information Scott Terry P F E S. Provo, UT 84606

4 This webinar will be recorded and can be viewed on

5 Enter your questions, we’ll address them when we conclude

6 Lisa Keyes Area Manager Westminster, Colorado

7 Happy Birthday Lisa!

8 How to Have a Great Consultation

CITY, STATE,ZIP PHONE NUMBER I understand (Name Insert) _____________is a ( Your Title or Consultant ) I understand that I am responsible for my own health, healing and well-being. I understand ____________ cannot diagnose, treat, heal or cure me of anything. I understand that healing is my own responsibility. I understand it is my responsibility to advise ___________ of any medications I take. I understand it is my responsibility to advise _______________of any therapies I am involved with currently. I understand it is my responsibility to advise ____________ of any allergies or sensitivities. I understand it is my responsibility to read any and all labels of supplementals I decide to ingest. I understand any and all information presented by __________________ does not substitute for medical care and I intend on informing my primary health care provider. I understand there may be some discomfort, certain side effects from doing a program of supplementation I have chosen to do and may occur at no fault to myself and or ________________. I understand I can revise my program or discontinue at any time I desire to do so. I understand that the services provided may have no effect on me because of factors beyond my control or the control of ________________. I fully disclose to ______________ any and all devices such as pace makers, morphine drips and similar medications and any and all medical care I am receiving. Name of Client:_____________________________________ Address:___________________________________________ City:________________________ State: __________ Zip:__________ Date:_____________ Phone:__________________  Signature: (of one who is doing the consultation): ____________________________________________

10 Consent To Treat Form

   Personal Health Program for: ________________________ Date: _____________ Note: (No food – means 1 hour before meals and 1 ½ hours after) Be advised that this suggested nutritional program is not intended as a primary therapy for any disease or symptom … but is an adjunctive schedule of nutrients (food concentrates) provided solely to upgrade the quality of foods in the diet in order to supply good nutrition or support the physiological and biochemical processes of the body. Nutrients At Rising No Food Breakfast Mid Morning Lunch Mid Afternoon Dinner Bed Time Time Frame

12 Resources Tree Lite The Comprehensive Guide to Nature's Sunshine Products provides a therapeutic index to over 500 health problems, providing information on causes, natural therapies and NSP products people have used to help their body recover from these conditions. Another section provides a list of over 108 body systems, organs and parts with lists of remedies that affect them. The final section provides definitions, indications and contraindications for over 213 therapeutic properties with lists of NSP products that have those properties.

13 Resources HerbAllure $94 $249

14 Resources "Brilliant Body Assessment“
48 questions and 10 body systems to gather information about your clients needs'   Brilliant body assessments are available on website and for purchase under supplies to receive a pad of them to do hands on during your consultation.

15 Resources Now Let’s Get Down to Business:
Supplies needed:  Clip board                                              Paper                                             File or folder ( for client to take home with them)                                            Form to collect address Protocol Sheet                                            Suggested Samples to have for client to try during visit or take home:                                             Liquid Chlorophyll                                             Solstice Immune and or Solstice Energy, Solstice 24 September 2011 Manager’s Extra – Quality Control Issue A to Z Product Guide Place a recommended Nature Sunshine Fact Sheet (s) in their folder with suggested products By sampling these products, I have upsold 7 out of 10 of my clients with these products!

16 Resources Now Let’s Get Down to Business:
Client Retention and incentive program:  Confirm appointments by telephoning them or or text reminder        Create cancellation policy of giving 24 hour notice and/or a small fee for a no-show        After consultation, book next follow up appointment 2-3 weeks out ( Good time to place order)        Referral program client referral card example: To, From, receive $10 off 1st appointment, referral receives $10         off there next visits or free product voucher (specific amount)        Give clients a free session for a specific number of clients referred and/or 50% off clients next session        Offer pre paid package discounts on your sessions ( Compass assessment, Ionic foot bathes etc.,)

17 Resources The Guide To Physical Awareness & Nutritional Implementation
Your Organ Energy System (Body Clock Suggestions) Did you know the Liver Zone Meridian is from 1-3A.M. When people are waking up consistently within this time zone the liver is needing attention. B Vitamin Deficiency Test Find out in 40 seconds or less if you have a B Vitamin deficiency. 11 more ways to test Your clients deficiencies


19 Thank You Lisa!

20 Questions and Answers

21 We’ll get together soon for our next consultant webinar.
Thanks Everyone! We’ll get together soon for our next consultant webinar.

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