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Economics and Business Exchange Supported by Deloitte.

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Presentation on theme: "Economics and Business Exchange Supported by Deloitte."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economics and Business Exchange Supported by Deloitte.

2 UK Regional Economic Productivity
David Silk 15/01/2019

3 Regional growth target
PSA target: “to make sustainable improvements in the economic performance of all the English regions by 2008 and over the long term reduce the persistent gap in growth rates between the regions, demonstrating progress by 2006.” 15/01/2019

4 Rationale Growth constrained if overheating in some regions but excess capacity in others Result of large-scale market & coordination failures Disparities have persisted for years 15/01/2019

5 Disparities: persistent but not inevitable
Some evidence that current disparities were established in 1920s, reversing the previous picture: Regional Rates of Unemployment as a Percentage of the UK rate (Source: Matthews, Feinstean and Odling-Smee. (a) South East & East Anglia; (b) North East; (c) North West & North East 15/01/2019

6 Scale of challenge Regional and sub regional disparities:
Inter-regional: Region GVA/head R&D spend/head Start-ups/1,000 people North East £10, £ South East £15, £ Intra-regional: Region GVA/head Start-ups/1,000 people Darlington in NE £11, East Sussex in SE £8, 15/01/2019

7 Economic growth Economic Prosperity GVA Productivity Employment Skills
Innovation Enterprise Investment Competition 15/01/2019

8 Employment 15/01/2019

9 Productivity 15/01/2019

10 Skills 15/01/2019

11 Innovation 15/01/2019

12 Enterprise 15/01/2019

13 Investment 15/01/2019

14 Modern regional agenda
Flexible institutions Innovative and responsive policy design to tackle market failure Robust evidence base 15/01/2019

15 Flexible institutions
RDA £2.3bn single pot; Additional responsibilities for: business support business-university collaboration rural socio-economic objectives inward investment Improved performance management 15/01/2019

16 Innovative policy design: Regional Economic Strategies
RESs sought to improve policy design based on: robust analytical framework a clear set of priorities realistic levels of future funding good use of evidence-base consistency with other regional strategies 15/01/2019

17 Northern Way Pan-regional growth strategy focused on skills, enterprise and employment Goal is closing £30bn Northern output gap 3 year costed business plan for £100m Growth Fund City-regions at core of approach 15/01/2019

18 Cities Cities play an important role in promoting regional economic development 90% of economic activity in the North concentrated in 8 city-regions But outside London, cities under-perform relative to international competitors CSR07 provides an opportunity to look at economic development interventions at regional, city and local levels 15/01/2019

19 Local Authorities Local authorities have a key role in improving productivity at the local (and hence regional) level. Existing initiatives- LABGI, BIDs. Fourth block of LAAs- key opportunity to establish economic development role of LAs. Already have LEGI - now thinking about how to bring other initiatives/funding streams together. 15/01/2019

20 Robust evidence base Improving evidence base and regional statistics is key RDAs building evidence base for RESs ONS committed to delivering full regional statistical presence with RDA support Improved regional spending data 15/01/2019

21 Devolved Administrations
All have lower than the UK average GVA per head Economic policy is part devolved -partnership working is essential Growing the economy the top objective for the Scottish Executive Welsh prioritise increasing employment and increasing average earnings NI economic strategy is being drawn up be consortium of local partners 15/01/2019

22 Key messages addressing regional disparities is extremely challenging
Govt believes focus should be on driving policy from the bottom up continuing developing agenda – RDAs, Northern Way, cities strengthening evidence base is key 15/01/2019

23 Questions / comments? David Silk Regional Policy HM Treasury

24 Economics and Business Exchange Supported by Deloitte.

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