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Year 7 Metal Definitions Extracting Metal

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1 Year 7 Metal Definitions Extracting Metal
Automation is the use of machines to do a task automatically without much, or any, human input. Computer Aided Design (CAD) is the process of designing using a computer Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) is the process of making a product using a computer and machinery Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) is the process of different machines being set up to carry out different stages of the production process Lean Manufacturing is about reducing the amount if waste produced during manufacturing. It can be done through a number of different ways such as only making products when they are needed Just in time (JIT) is about only producing the products when they have been ordered. This reduces the cost of storage but relies on materials being delivered as and when they are needed Extracting Metal Metal bearing rocks are called Ores. Rocks removed from the ground that contain enough metal are extracted from the ore though either heating the ore or through electrolysis Extraction through a furnace: Metals are obtained from raw ores. Raw ore is mixed with charcoal and other chemicals, and air is blown into a furnace. The molten metal trickles from the bottom of the furnace and this can be cast or extruded into shapes. Extraction through electrolysis: The more the reactive the metal the higher the temperature needed to extract it from its ore. A metal like aluminum cannot be extracted by a furnace. It is dissolved in a ‘cryolite solution’ and electrolysed (electricity is passed through) at a temperature of around 650°C. What is Refining? When metals have be extracted from their ore there is still small amounts of other substances present. These impurities need to be removed before the metal is used. This process is called Refining. Some methods of refining: Adding limestone to a furnace will remove sand during extraction. During electrolysis gases are pumped through to push the impurities to the surface. Some substances when heated and cooled separate the impurities due to different boiling points.

CAN BE MADE INTO WIRES DULL CANNOT BE POLISHED Working Property Example Strength Climbing rope, Cycle helmet Hardness Tools, Files, Drill bits Toughness Bulletproof vests Elasticity Spring, Elastic band Malleability Metals can be hammered into thin sheets without breaking Ductility Copper wire LOW MELTING POINTS MELT EASILY OR BURN SONOROUS RINGS WHEN STRUCK MALLEABLE CAN BE MOULDED BRITTLE / WEAK NOT STRONG Physical Property Example Electrical Conductivity Metals Thermal Conductivity Saucepans Fusibility Solder Density Wood is heavier than plastic Absorbency Paper towel HIGH MELTING POINTS DIFFICULT TO MELT AND BOIL CONDUCTOR WILL ALLOW HEAT AND ELECTRICITY TO PASS SOME ARE MAGNETIC IRON, NICKEL OR COBALT NOT MAGNETIC NO MAGNETS HERE! Metals can be classified into two groups: DENSITY HEAVY FOR ITS SIZE LIGHT FOR THEIR SIZE INSULATORS DO NOT ALLOW HEAT OR ELECTIRICTY TO PASS SHINY REFLECT LIGHT WHEN CUT OR POLISHED STRONG CAN SUPPORT A LOAD Types of metal: Ferrous- These metals contain iron (Most ferrous metals can be identified by using a magnet). Non-ferrous- These metals do not contain iron. Alloys- (mixture of metals or a metal mixed with elements): They are developed to have a specific set of properties.

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