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BELLWORK: 3/9 In your opinion, which Cold War presidents’ foreign policy was the most successful? What about the least successful? Explain!

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Presentation on theme: "BELLWORK: 3/9 In your opinion, which Cold War presidents’ foreign policy was the most successful? What about the least successful? Explain!"— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLWORK: 3/9 In your opinion, which Cold War presidents’ foreign policy was the most successful? What about the least successful? Explain!

2 Cold War Presidents (1945-1990)
Domestic & Foreign Policies

3 Harry Truman (1945-1953) Truman Doctrine Containment Marshall Plan
Korean War NSC-68 (massive increase in military spending)

4 Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)
Containment: Roll Back Massive Retaliation (mostly aimed at China) Indochina War (supported Diem) “Thaw” in tensions with Khrushchev During the Suez Crisis of 1956, Eisenhower condemned Israeli, British and French invasion of Egypt and forced them to withdraw. Also condemned Soviet invasion during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, but took no action Increased power of CIA – trained La Brigada, Iran, Guatemala

5 Election of 1960 Many people questioned Kennedy’s experience- youngest president at age 43. First televised presidential debate- 70 million viewers thought that Kennedy won. Radio listeners Nixon won. Kennedy won by the slimmest of margins- won by 119,000 votes out of 69 million.



8 John F. Kennedy (1960-1963) Increased aide to South Vietnam and Diem
Involvement in Cuba Bay of Pigs = Failure Missile Crisis = Success Established Space Program


10 Lyndon B. Johnson ( ) Success of containment (no major crises in Europe) Escalation of Vietnam Involvement in DR

11 U.S. Troops in Vietnam When Johnson becomes President he declares “I am not going to lose Vietnam.”

12 The end of Johnson’s Presidency
“I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President.”

13 Richard Nixon ( ) Nixon Doctrine: nations are responsible for their own defense (HUGE change in Cold War policy!) Withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam Improved relations with USSR and China Arms limitation treaties China admitted to UN

14 Gerald Ford ( ) Ford is the only person to have served as both vice president and president without being elected to either office. His 895 day-long presidency is the shortest in American history for any president who did not die in office.

15 Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) Raised awareness of human rights issues
Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel Panama Canal Treaty Formally recognized PRC Helsinki Accords: cooperation between the two European blocs Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

16 Ronald Reagan ( ) Meetings with Gorbachev to reduce hostilities Fall of Berlin Wall Support of right-wing regimes in Central America End of Cold War

17 HOMEWORK: Due Monday Read about our last Cold War Crisis of study…. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Section 3.5 Note check on Monday!

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