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Mindfulness of Thoughts

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1 Mindfulness of Thoughts

2 Nature of thoughts Voluntary thinking Involuntary thoughts
thinking about a problem to be solved Involuntary thoughts Thoughts intruding into mind without our awareness While walking, studying, seeing, tasting , smelling , talking , listening , meditating….

3 What happens when ‘objects’ interact with our senses ?

4 Modes of Interaction with the world
Possible Inputs Possible response Mind Human being

5 Mechanics of Mindless living
External stimulus => feeling Instinctual “reaction” [ PPP] Automatic Thoughts /emotions [ I am not doing it ] =>story telling ! … and we are not even aware what is going on till ‘something’ jolts us out of ‘reverie’ !! [Perception ?]

6 Mindfulness of Thoughts
implies being Aware of this whole process

7 Thoughts arise because of Conditions and cease naturally
As we become aware we realize that Thoughts arise because of Conditions and cease naturally when conditions change

8 If we learn to just observe the feelings with the wisdom of impermanence instinctual reactions will not occur. Wisdom will get a chance to manifest =>Mindful Living

9 If we learn to just observe the thoughts
they will lose their power to govern us. Wisdom will get a chance to manifest =>Mindful Living

10 Comprehensive Mindfulness
Body : postures, Activities, movements sensations Emotions Being Consciously aware of Non- reactive Moment by moment Thoughts Mindfulness Feelings Non- judgmental Open curiosity Perceptions

11 Meditation Process in Nutshell
Select object of meditation Be aware of it, its feeling tone, its impermanent nature moment by moment Return the attention to the object Attention wanders Open Curiosity Non-judgmental Non -reactive Notice any reaction -- Relax Noticing attention has wandered

12 This is how we should practice

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