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Vocabulary/Word Wall 2.4 English 2, Grade 10.

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1 Vocabulary/Word Wall 2.4 English 2, Grade 10

2 Word Wall #2.4 Tragic Hero (n.) Admired person
A flaw of character causes a “fall” The hero acknowledges his/her flaw and becomes better We learn from the hero’s response

3 1. Emphatic (adj.) Using emphasis in speech or action
If you had spoken more emphatically, the principal might have considered your proposal more seriously.

4 2. Expatriate (v.) Choosing to live outside one’s own native country
She did not mean to become expatriated, but she simply didn’t return to the U.S. after her summer in Italy.

5 3. Impeccable (adj.) Faultless; without sin or blemish
Her behavior is always impeccable, no matter how crazy her friends get.

6 4. Harry (v.) To annoy or harrass
Please be careful not to harry your English teacher too much today; she is out of patience.

7 5. Cajole (v.) To persuade with false promises and flattery
Many students become skilled at cajoling their teachers into extending deadlines for major assignments.

8 Root Words Cred – to believe Cycl – circle or wheel Incredible
Credible source Cycl – circle or wheel Cycle Bicycle

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