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SATs Meeting KS1.

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Presentation on theme: "SATs Meeting KS1."— Presentation transcript:

1 SATs Meeting KS1

2 What are SATs. Standard Assessment tests
What are SATs? * Standard Assessment tests * Assessed in Reading, Maths and Grammar, punctuation and spelling * Writing will be teacher assessed later in the year * SATs are completed towards the end of May. * Used by Government, Us , Local Authority * You will receive test scores at the end of the school year

3 SATs timetable Miss Pearce will decide nearer the time which tests are completed on which days due to the children’s needs. There will only be one test a day These will likely be in the mornings

4 How are the tests scored and marked this year?
Tests will be marked internally. Then, in June, a scaled score is given, converting the test marks. 100 is the expected standard for a child at the end of Year 2. A pupils scaled score will be based upon their raw score All children at the end of the year will receive a raw score, a scaled score and whether they attained expected standard or not.

5 Teacher Assessment All children will be teacher assessed at the end of the year – based on their class work, test results and homework. This year teachers will use Interim Teacher Assessment Framework to make judgements – information on this is in your handout

6 Teacher Assessments 3 standards: working towards the expected standard
working at the expected standard working at greater depth within the expected standard See Interim Teacher Assessment Framework for what this means

7 Reading 2 reading papers
Paper 1 –Reading, questions. – approximately 30 mins Paper 2 – Longer texts and then a separate answer booklet - approximately 40 mins Not strictly timed. Can have slightly longer Greater emphasis on comprehension


9 Likely to be – 6 pages of solid reading. 1 Fiction 1 Non-Fiction

10 Likely to be – 6 pages of solid reading. 1 Fiction 1 Non-Fiction

11 GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling)
New to KS1 2 papers Paper 1 – spelling. 20 spellings to write within a sentence. These will be dictated to the children. - Words taken from the spelling patterns and word list from year 2 curriculum. Practice the Year 2 common exception words at home! Spelling practice is important!

12 GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) cont...
Paper 2 Grammar Punctuation and Vocabulary about 20 mins – not strictly timed Can be read and re-phrased to the children – If they ask (we will actively encourage this!) You cannot explain or re-name the terminology i.e. Adjective, comma



15 Maths 2 papers 1 arithmetic, 1 reasoning Paper 1 – 20 minutes
- Whole numbers, place value and counting - No apparatus given i.e. Calculators, rulers, base 10 etc. Testing the children’s basic calculation knowledge and methods i.e. number line, column (if ready to use) If numbers are transposed marks will not be awarded


17 Maths Paper 2 Reasoning – assesses fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills Approximately 35 mins Questions can be read to the children Includes 5 mental questions which are read aloud to the children Has a higher weighting than the arithmetic paper Will be allowed rulers in the test which can be used as a number line


19 How will school be preparing the children?
Workshops already started in afternoons – quick 20 min sessions on test technique Intervention groups with Miss Pearce and Mrs Bewick are in place More time from now until SATS will be spent on core subjects whilst ensuring the children still receive a broad and balanced curriculum

20 How can I help my child? Read every night with your child
Question children on what they have read and what may happen next etc. They need to build their stamina and learn to read at a quick pace. Read books with your child that may be more challenging such as Roald Dahl for pleasure – you’ll be able to highlight vocabulary and question at a deeper level and it’s fun!

21 Complete homework activities with your child, particularly spellings
Encourage your child to write at home. Highlight good handwriting and correct punctuation Use methods that we use in school – see Miss Pearce if you are not sure what they are – the calculation policy is included in your handouts Practice times tables regularly including writing them down i.e. 3 x 5 = ?

22 How can I prepare my child emotionally?
Prior and during SATs week Have early nights. Early nights from now! Tired children don’t make good learners. Encourage children to try their best and assure them that you are proud of them Eat well and regularly, keep hydrated Ask children about how the tests went at the end of the day Make sure they arrive punctually each day for school Avoid absence this week. If a child is poorly we will send them home after the test. Try to avoid unnecessary arguments/confrontations – keep stress levels low Inform us if any issues arise with your child so that we can do our best to help

23 Look at the SATS papers Sample papers for this years SATS are available online on the website. Familiarise yourselves with the content – you need to know what they are facing Old past papers could be completed for test technique practise and ideas for questions. Be aware of the old curriculum questions which are still available online.

24 Questions?

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