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Year 1 Spring Term 1 Maths English Creative Curriculum Computing PE

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1 Year 1 Spring Term 1 Maths English Creative Curriculum Computing PE
We will be basing our Literacy work around a picture book every half term and this term our focus is ‘Winnie the Witch’. We will be looking at a number of genres including non-chronological reports, instructions, recounts and story writing to develop our writing, reading and speaking and listening skills. We will also be using a range of punctuation and grammar including capital letters, full-stops and finger spaces to develop our writing and also the use of question marks and exclamation marks. We will continue to focus on handwriting ensuring that letters and numbers are formed correctly and sit on the line. In Maths we will continue our work surrounding number through the active and engaging scheme of Singapore Maths. We will continue our work around number bonds, addition and subtraction to 20. We will also start to learn about shapes and patterns. Creative Curriculum Year 1 Spring Term 1 Computing In computing we will continue to look at computer parts and how computers work. We will also continue to look at simple programming and develop our understanding of the principals behind programming. Soft fur, sharp claws and twitching whiskers… What’s your favourite animal? One that meows? One that barks? Or maybe one that scurries or slithers? From pets at home to animals in the zoo. Lets find out all about what animals eat, learn how to make food chains as well finding out about herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Explore how animals look and move and create pieces of art using a range of different materials to create a class collage. PE We will continue our working with Elite Sports and our learning about Gymnastics. We will be learning about balancing, teamwork and using apparatus and equipment to support our learning.

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