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Relationship Between England and the Colonies

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1 Relationship Between England and the Colonies
Why is there so much tension?

2 Salutary Neglect The king’s policy of ignoring the colonies and allowing them to govern themselves The King only wanted the colonies for natural resources As a result the colonies began to rule themselves Ex.-The House of Burgesses in Jamestown-the men at Jamestown were allowed to create their own representative democracy.

3 Beginning in 1750, the king began to put restrictions of the colonist:
Why would this upset the colonies? The colonies had always practiced self rule

4 MERCANTILISM A. Is this theory that a country should sell more goods to other countries than they buy B. The King wanted to get as much wealth as he could from the colonies 1. All material grown in the colonies had to be sold to Great Britain

5 Excessive Taxation England had fought in the French and Indian War and wanted the colonies to pay for the war debt. As a result, they began excessively taxing the colonies on everyday goods that they used such as sugar, paper, and tea. Additionally they passed laws such as the Quartering Act and Intolerable Acts which stripped colonist of their freedom.

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