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Quark and lepton masses

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1 Quark and lepton masses
G.G.Ross, DESY, Sept 03

2 DATA : ? GeV 1 Bi-Tri Maximal Mixing … Non Abelian Structure? Masses
10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 eV Bi-Tri Maximal Mixing … Non Abelian Structure?

3 DATA : ? GeV 1 Masses† Mixing † † Simple(?) flavour Group restricting
Yukawa couplings

4 Non-Abelian family symmetry
To relate different matrix elements need a non-Abelian structure, e.g. e.g. Form determined by additional symmetries e.g. Z5XZ3XZ2

5 Quarks Symmetric fit Roberts Romanino GGR Velasco Sevilla =

6 Messenger mass (Universal masses natural for Wilson line breaking)
Froggatt, Nielsen (Universal masses natural for Wilson line breaking)

7 Extension to charged leptons – GUT?
Georgi Jarlskog

8 Possible with “see-saw”
100 10-1 10 10-2 10-3 10-4 eV Bi-Tri maximal mixing? Possible with “see-saw” Dirac Mass Magnitude ordered by Z5XZ2 Majorana Mass

9 Vacuum alignment

10 Summary Neutrino masses, gauge coupling unification, proton decay point to GUT with high unification scale. Extraction of Yukawa couplings crucial to understanding fermion structure Bounded off diagonal terms (anti)symmetric, hermitian  SUSY CP   Vives, GGR

11 Summary Neutrino masses, gauge coupling unification, proton decay point to GUT with high unification scale….1st quantitative evidence for superstring unification? Extraction of Yukawa couplings crucial to understanding fermion structure Bounded off diagonal terms (anti)symmetric, hermitian  SUSY CP   Texture and texture zero hints at underlying structure Family symmetry ? GUT symmetry? (1,1) neutrino texture zero :

12 Summary Neutrino masses, gauge coupling unification, proton decay point to GUT with high unification scale….1st quantitative evidence for superstring unification? Extraction of Yukawa couplings crucial to understanding fermion structure Bounded off diagonal terms (anti)symmetric, hermitian  SUSY CP   Texture and texture zero hints at underlying structure Family symmetry ? GUT symmetry? Due to the see-saw mechanism, the quark, charged lepton and neutrino masses and mixing angles can be consistent with a similar structure for their Dirac mass matrices. Hints at an underlying (spontaneously broken) family symmetry? SO(10)XSU(3)? 100 10-1 10 10-2 10-3 10-4 eV

13 Summary Neutrino masses, gauge coupling unification, proton decay point to GUT with high unification scale….1st quantitative evidence for superstring unification? Extraction of Yukawa couplings crucial to understanding fermion structure Bounded off diagonal terms (anti)symmetric, hermitian  SUSY CP   Texture and texture zero hints at underlying structure Family symmetry ? GUT symmetry? Due to the see-saw mechanism, the quark, charged lepton and neutrino masses and mixing angles can be consistent with a similar structure for their Dirac mass matrices. Hints at an underlying (spontaneously broken) family symmetry? SO(10)XSU(3)? gives a new solution to the SUSY FCNC problem

14 Ramage,GGR


16 Summary Neutrino masses, gauge coupling unification, proton decay point to GUT with high unification scale….1st quantitative evidence for superstring unification? Extraction of Yukawa couplings crucial to understanding fermion structure Bounded off diagonal terms (anti)symmetric, hermitian  SUSY CP   Texture and texture zero hints at underlying structure Family symmetry ? GUT symmetry? Due to the see-saw mechanism, the quark, charged lepton and neutrino masses and mixing angles can be consistent with a similar structure for their Dirac mass matrices. Hints at an underlying (spontaneously broken) family symmetry? SO(10)XSU(3)? gives a new solution to the SUSY FCNC problem SUSY CP problem Vives, GGR, Velasco Sevilla If SUSY spontaneously broken in flavon sector SUSY CP violating angles naturally small


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