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Mrs. Arras’ Kindergarten Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Arras’ Kindergarten Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Arras’ Kindergarten Curriculum Night 2017-2018
welcome to Mrs. Arras’ Kindergarten Curriculum Night

2 liz arras

3 Communication Class Website! Twitter: @ArrasinKinder
Weekly updates on Fridays. anytime you have a question or concern.

4 parent-teacher conferences
November 2, 2017 We’ll discuss report card information and any relevant assessment results. Location: To be determined. Sign-ups will be posted soon. Please, please contact me with any concerns you may have before then.

5 classroom volunteer opportunities
Miscellaneous Help With Tasks– occasional cutting, tracing, etc. on an as-needed basis Class Parties, etc. – More later from our room moms. Friday Readers – Come and read a few favorite picture books to the class just prior to specials on Fridays, 11:35-11:55. Poetry Folders – Help stuff poetry folders on Wednesday mornings (may be shared among several).

6 behavior Report Card Our Class Rules Be safe Be kind Try your best
Raise your hand Follow directions

7 folders Blue Take Home: Go home daily. Serves as a daily communication tool, as necessary. Orange Poetry: Go home Friday. Have your child read the poem to you and have fun reviewing our old poems. Send back on Monday!

8 homework Homework will consist of a daily reading. We are asking that you and your child read together for minutes per day. Additional reading assignments will be sent home weekly and then daily, as the year progresses. Snap Words

9 snap words

10 arrival Access lockers or come in classroom at 7:50am.
School begins at 8:00am, Students are tardy at 8:05am. Please help your child develop independence and responsible behaviors by unpacking themselves and coming into the classroom alone.

11 ela reading and writing
Reading and Writing Workshop Model Word Work Focus: developing stamina and independence while practicing skills learned Includes a balanced approach to literacy: read alouds, guided reading, shared reading, independent reading, and word study.

12 becoming an independent writer
How do you spell?

13 math workshop We also teach math in a workshop model. We begin with a mini-lesson, and then break into flexible groups. While I meet with students in a small group, the other students are working individually and collaboratively in math tubs, technology (computers or iPads), or math partner games.  This structure provides scaffolding to support the learning efforts of ALL students and encourages exploration and understanding of math concepts in a risk-free learning environment.

14 social studies science Integrated Throughout the Curriculum
Our Home, Community, State, and Nation Map Usage Five Senses Properties of Matter Earth Materials Plants Systems: Weather Light and Colors Animals Insects Metamorphosis Simple Machines

15 digital citizenship “Our kids are playing on a digital playground, and no one is on recess duty!”

16 lunch and snack Our Lunch Time is 11:05-11:35. We need volunteers!
If you plan on having lunch with your child, please wait for them in the cafeteria. Do not invite other students to eat with you unless they are accompanied by their parent/guardian. Check with Jessica Madison regarding your child’s DineRite account for ice cream on Friday. If you do not want your child to get ice cream please explain this to them. We have students with peanut allergies. Please send nut free lunches and snacks.

17 birthdays Armstrong Elementary honors birthdays during whole school announcements. Students get a birthday treat from the office. Please remember no snacks, balloons or party favors in the classroom or the lunch. Please see the Student Handbook for more information.

18 specials Please wear athletic shoes for PE
Discipline in Specials classes Monday – Spanish, Music Tuesday – PE, Art Wednesday – PE, Spanish Thursday – Art, PE Friday – Music, PE

19 library Kindergartners are allowed to check out one book a week. Our checkout day is Tuesday. Parents are welcome to check out 6 books at a time. Library books must be returned by the following Monday in order to check out books again.

20 dismissal Any Changes? Send a note with your child Call the office
Please do not rely on after 12pm (I may not have time to check!) If there is an emergency, please call the office and they will inform me. Ex: stuck in traffic due to an accident and are going to be late picking up a child or want to give permission for another parent to pick up your child. If it is raining, the class will wait inside the doors and look for you. It is very crowded, so please be patient or you can check in at the office and have them call for your child.

21 clothing Dress your child appropriately for the weather as we will be going outside for recess daily. Classroom temperature fluctuates (have a sweater!) If your child cannot participate in P.E., we must have a written note on that day. Please practice buttoning/zipping coats and sweaters and tying shoes!

22 star of the week toys and sharing Page for class book Show and Tell
Class Leader Responsibilities toys and sharing Due to possible loss or damage, please keep all toys at home unless we are doing a special project. Ear Buds

23 october 31st special events! Field Trips 100th Day of School
Come to school dressed as your favorite storybook character – and bring the book to share, too! More details to follow! Field Trips 100th Day of School Pajama Day Holiday and Care Celebrations

24 A Message From Dr. Moran

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