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Classical Roots Lessons 7 and 8.

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1 Classical Roots Lessons 7 and 8

2 Lesson 7 AB <L. “away from” Abrasive Abound Abscond Abhor

3 Lesson 7 Discreet Ascertain Discern CERNO, CERNERE, CREVI, CRETUM
<L. “to separate,” “to sift,” “to decide” Discreet Ascertain Discern

4 Lesson 7 Infraction Infringe Suffrage FRANGO, FRANGERE, FREGI, FRACTUM
<L. “to break” Infraction Infringe Suffrage

5 Lesson 8 Superlative (latum <L. “carried”)
SUPER <L. “above” Superlative (latum <L. “carried”) Superfluous (fluere <L. “to flow”)

6 Lesson 8 Concise (con=cum <L. “with”)
CAEDO, CAEDERE, CECIDI, CAESUM <L. “to cut” Concise (con=cum <L. “with”) Herbicide (herba <L. “grass” “plants with stems”) Precise (pre=prae <L. “before,” “in front of”)

7 Lesson 8 Analyze (ana <G. “on,” “up”)
LUEIN <G. “to loosen,” “to untie” LUTOS <G. “capable of being untied” Analyze (ana <G. “on,” “up”) Catalyst (cata <G. “down from”)

8 Lesson 8 Absolve (ab <L. “away from”)
SOLVO, SOLVERE, SOLVI, SOLUTUM <L. “to loosen,” “to untie” Absolve (ab <L. “away from”) Resolute (re <L. “back,” “again”) Resolve (re <L. “back,” “again”)

9 Words to Study: Lessons 7 & 8
abhor * absolve abound * analyze abrasive * catalyst abscond * concise abstemious * herbicide ascertain * precise discern * resolute discreet * resolve infraction * superfluous infringe * superlative suffrage

10 Let’s talk about STUDYING!
Think of 3 WAYS you can study for these review tests. Be ready to share! Know the verb forms (horrere “ to shudder” = abhor). Know every definition for each word. Make & Use Flash Cards! Really put effort into your Review Exercises. Know every aspect: meaning, definition, root, verb forms

11 TEST CORRECTIONS #’s 1-4, 12-20
Write the CORRECT WORD in a sentence. You will only receive points IF the word is used in a context. #’s 5-9 Give a 2 sentence explanation WHY the word is the correct answer. Be specific, yet concise. #’s 10 & 11 Write a SYNONYM and ANTONYM for the example word pair AND the correct word pair.

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