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Movers & Shakers: Inventions during Industrial Revolution

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1 Movers & Shakers: Inventions during Industrial Revolution
How does technology improve people’s lives?

Henry Bessemer Steel production (1855) Impact – easier, faster to make steel

Thomas Edison George Eastman Light Bulb (1879) Phonograph (1878) Motion Pictures (1888) Roll Film/Camera (1888) Impact – Able to easily take pictures (photographs) Impact – Reliable source of light, mass entertainment

4 COMMUNICATION Samuel Morse Alexander Graham Bell Telegraph (1832) Telephone (1876) Impact - transmit sound over wires Impact - transmit voice over wires, long distance communication

5 Guglielmo Marconi Cyrus Field Transatlantic Cable (1858) Radio (1902) Impact – Communication across the Atlantic Impact - Provided wireless communication

6 TRANSPORTATION Henry Ford The Wright Brothers Automobile Assembly Line & the Model T (1908) The Airplane (1903) Impact - Improved mobility & started aircraft industry Impact - Assembly line production made cars affordable

7 IMPROVING HEALTH Louis Pasteur Joseph Lister Pasteurization (1862) Antiseptics (1867) Impact - Reduced infection, preserved food Impact - Higher survival rate in surgery

8 EDUCATIONAL IDEAS Pavlov & Freud Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution/Natural Selection (1859) Studies in Psychology (1800s) Impact – better understanding of how mind works Impact – Origin of Species theory conflicts with religious teachings

9 Other Inventions/Ideas
Alessandro Volta (Battery) Joseph Cugnot/Karl Benz (Automobile) Robert Fulton (Steamboat) Gregor Mendel (Genetic Laws) John Dalton (Atom Theory)

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