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What are Computers? E Use this tutorial alongside the numbers coded in your workbook and answer the related questions in each section.

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Presentation on theme: "What are Computers? E Use this tutorial alongside the numbers coded in your workbook and answer the related questions in each section."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are Computers? E Use this tutorial alongside the numbers coded in your workbook and answer the related questions in each section. What are computers adapted from Nikki Maddams

2 (E) Inputs & Outputs Index 60. Objectives and Outcomes 61. Keywords
62. Inputs, Processes & Output 63. Peripherals 71. Research Task 72. Sensors 73. Extension Task 74. Question Time 75. What do you know? 76. Computer terms

3 Objectives and Outcomes
Learning Objective: Understand the differences between input and output devices and recognise where sensors are used in everyday objects. Learning Outcomes: GOOD: Identify whether each device is an input or output and briefly explain its function. BETTER: Accurately describe the functionality of each device. BEST: Identify and explain how sensors are used in everyday items.

4 peripheral --- input --- process --- output --- sensor

5 Inputs, Processes & Outputs
Double-click on program icon Program loads Program displayed on screen Take Photo Edit on computer Print

6 Peripherals What is a peripheral?
A Peripheral is a device connected to your computer to provide an input or output. Coming up are a variety of different peripherals, which are either inputs our outputs.

7 Printer OUTPUT

8 Digital Camera INPUT

9 Scanner INPUT

10 Monitor OUTPUT

11 Mouse INPUT

12 Web Cam INPUT

13 Keyboard INPUT

14 Sensors Light Temperature Moisture Pressure Motion Smoke
There are many type of sensors used in society. They are INPUT devices. Here is a list of the different kind of sensors. Light Temperature Moisture Pressure Motion Smoke

15 How many sensors?

16 Research Task Complete this table in your workbook

17 Extension Task From the picture state an everyday item that uses the sensors listed and explain how it is used. Light Temperature Moisture Pressure Motion Smoke (not on picture)

18 Question Time 1. What is a peripheral device?
2. Give an example of an output device connected to a computer. 3. Is a mouse an input or an output device? 4. Are sensors used as input or output devices? 5. Give an example of one everyday device that contains a sensor. 6. How is this sensor used?



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