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Vivek Rajkumar Abhinav Jain

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1 Vivek Rajkumar (psi@cs) Abhinav Jain (jain0122@cs)
CampusWalk Vivek Rajkumar Abhinav Jain

2 Operational Concepts Objective: To find the shortest walkable path from one landmark to another on the UW campus Scope: for personal usage by the UW community

3 System Requirements Features: users will be able to request walking directions from one landmark to another Possibly in map format Will track real-time location (via GPS) Will provide informative descriptions on the go as users pass specific landmarks

4 System Architecture Backend: a server (e.g. in the dorms) that handles requests and processes them and “replies” to the client Frontend: anything ranging from a web service on a desktop to a PDA or a cellphone

5 Lifecycle Plans Customer base: primarily for the UW community; possibly expandable to other campuses as well Possible funding: anyone ranging from GPS companies to cellphone service providers Support: provided by the UW’s Computing and Communications dept.

6 Feasibility Rationale
It’s quite possible with current software A prime example of an existing service is Mapquest, and we are just extending this service to the UW campus We can make use of the GPS tracking technology that is available on many cellphones

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