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Designation as an Eligible Institution Title III & Title V Programs

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1 Designation as an Eligible Institution Title III & Title V Programs
Office of Postsecondary Education Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016 This presentation is meant as a guide only. Refer to the official application for instructions.

2 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
What is Eligibility? This process identifies an institution of higher education (IHE) as: Eligible to apply for funding under the Title III and/or Title V programs. Eligible for certain non-Federal cost-share waivers. Eligibility does not designate nor certify any institution as a particular type, i.e., HSI, ANNH, AANAPISI, etc. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

3 Who can apply for Designation of Eligibility?
An IHE that: Is accredited or pre-accredited by a nationally-recognized accrediting agency or association; and Meets the enrollment of needy students and the core expenses requirements. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

4 Who can apply for Designation of Eligibility?
An accredited branch campus that: Is geographically apart from the main campus and independent of that main campus. Is permanent in nature; Offers courses for credit and programs leading to an associate or bachelor’s degree; Has its own faculty and administrative or supervisory organization; and Has its own budgetary and hiring authority. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

5 Who should apply for Designation of Eligibility?
Applicants planning to apply for a grant under the SIP, HSI, PPOHA, ANNH, NASNTI, AANAPISI or PBI Programs. An institution must be deemed as an eligible IHE to be considered for funding under these programs. Applicants requesting a waiver of the non-Federal cost share requirements under any of the following programs: The Federal Work-Study program (FWS); Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants program (FSEOG); TRIO Student Support Services program (SSS); and Undergraduate International Students and Foreign Language program (UISFL). Note: In some instances, other Federal Agencies will require an institution to provide verification of designation from the Department of Education. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

6 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Important Notes! Carefully read the entire application booklet. If you are planning to submit an application for new funding, both applications (eligibility and funding application) MUST be in the same name or your application for funding will be rejected. If the name of your institution has changed, you MUST inform the Eligibility team in writing. The document must be submitted from the college/university president on letterhead. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

7 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Important Notes! The main campus must apply for the non-Federal cost- share requirement. Branch campuses are not eligible to receive a waiver of the non-Federal cost-share requirement. Effective December 1, 2015, IHE will be able to review its eligibility for grants for the previous list of programs. IHE will be able to examine its entry in the Eligibility Matrix (EM) via the Department of Education Institutional Service Eligibility website: Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

8 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Important Notes! The EM read only excel worksheet lists all potentially eligible post secondary institutions. The EM is based on data submitted by the institutions to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) for the 2013 – 2014 academic year. The Department uses enrollment and fiscal data to compute an eligibility determination for grant applications in FY 2016. If the EM shows your institution to be ineligible to apply for a grant for a particular program once you apply for eligibility and deemed eligible we will send a letter to you. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

9 Eligibility Matrix (EM)
The computation of EM eligibility will be conducted annually at the time that IPEDS data are provisionally released for the academic year immediately proceeding the most recent complete academic year. Provisional releases of data occur generally in the fall of the year so it is anticipated that EM computation and release will occur around December of each year. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

10 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Important Notes! You may search by institution name, IPEDS unit ID number, or OPE ID number. Once your institution or campus is located and you are inquiring about general eligibility look up your institution name under the SIP column. Additional information on the EM process is available on the following Web site: Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

11 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Sample portion of the Eligibility Matrix: data from AY Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

12 Eligibility Matrix (EM)
The criteria derived from applicable legislations and regulations were applied to enrollment and financial data from IPEDS and FSA files to determine eligibility for each institutional program. The process resulted in the following six categories: Institution is ineligible – doesn’t meet minority student enrollment requirements for the program. Institution is ineligible – there are no program participants in a key category (e.g., graduate students for HBCU-MD, PPOHA, PBI-MA), the institution has no Pell grant recipients or needy students, has only religious vocational programs, is not a legislatively-designated institution (i.e., not an HBCU or TCCU). Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

13 Eligibility Matrix (EM)
The process resulted in the following six categories (continued): Institution is ineligible – they have a current grant for another IS program, and therefore by law may not simultaneously have a grant in this program. Institution is potentially eligible on minority grounds, but would need to apply for a waiver of Pell or ‘needy student’ criteria. Institution is potentially eligible to apply for a grant for this program. Institution is a current grantee of this program. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

14 Eligibility Matrix (EM)
There are a number of institutions that are not eligible to receive grants from the Institutional Service of the Office of Postsecondary Education. For-profit institutions are not included in the EM structure. Institutions with only religious-vocational programs, on the other hand, are included in the EM structure, since they may (and, with some frequency, do) establish non-vocational program offerings. The Department will periodically review institutions noted as religious-vocational in the EM structure, and will provide a means by which institutions may notify the Department of this change in status. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

15 Update to Non-Federal Cost-Share Waivers
An IHE that submits an application and is designated as an eligible institution will receive a waiver of certain non- Federal cost-share requirements for one year or the duration of their Title III or Title V grant, if awarded, under the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) and the Federal Work- Study Program (FWS). Qualified institutions will receive the FWS and FSEOG waivers for one year even if they do not receive a grant under the Title III or Title V Programs. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

16 Update to Non-Federal Cost-Share Waivers
Cost-share waivers for the Federal Work-Study program and the Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants are administered through Federal Student Aid. Questions pertaining to these cost-share waivers must be directed to the Campus-Based Call Center: Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

17 Update to Non-Federal Cost-Share Waivers
An applicant who applies for a Student Support Services (SSS) program grant may request a waiver of the required non-Federal share for institutions. If the institution receives the SSS grant, the waiver lasts the duration of the grant. Questions pertaining to the SSS cost-share waiver must be directed to: ReShone Moore Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

18 Update to Non-Federal Cost-Share Waivers
An applicant who applies for a Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language (UISFL) program grant may request a waiver of the required non- Federal share for institutions. If the institution receives the UISFL grant, the waiver lasts the duration of the grant. Questions pertaining to the UISFL cost-share waiver must be directed to: Tanyelle Richardson Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

19 What information is required?
Institution/campus OPE ID number Total institutional enrollment for fall 2013 Minority enrollment for fall 2013 Number of Pell recipients in fall 2013 Number of students enrolled at least half-time in a degree program for fall 2013 Total Core Expenses* for Average Core Expenses per FTE student in fall 2013 Proof of sufficient enrollment of needy students *Previously Educational and General (E&G) expenditures. The definition of “core expenses” is functionally equivalent to the definition of E&G. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

20 Total Institutional Enrollment
Institution's 2013 fall semester head count of enrolled undergraduate and graduate students. Do not include international students who are ineligible to participate in Title IV need-based financial assistance programs. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

21 Need-Based Financial Assistance
Title IV need-based financial assistance: Determine the institution's total 2013 fall semester, unduplicated student head count of degree students who received any of the following Title IV need-based assistance: Federal Pell Grant; Federal Work Study; Federal Perkins Loan; or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant. To compute the unduplicated student head count, count, only once, each student who received Title IV need-based assistance, regardless of the number of need-based programs in which the student participated. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

22 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Half-Time Enrollment Enrollment of half-time, up to and including full-time undergraduate students: Determine the institution's total 2013 fall semester undergraduate head count of students who were enrolled at least half time in degree programs at your institution. Do not include international students who are not eligible for Title IV need-based financial assistance. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

23 Core Expenses Formerly Educational and General (E&G) Expenditures
Since 2004, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has calculated Core Expenses per FTE for Postsecondary Institutions.* The Department determined that Core Expenses is statistically similar to E&G per FTE. *Note: Please review the definition for Core Expenses that is located in the application booklet. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

24 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Core Expenses Core Expenses per FTE uses 12-month enrollment figures. Institutions applying for Eligibility must use the Core Expenses reported to NCES’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) for academic year Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

25 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Core Expenses Determine the institution's Core Expenses for Do not include federal student financial aid.  Average Core Expenses per FTE student. The system will do this calculation for you. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

26 2013-2014 Median Pell Grant and Core Expenses per FTE Student
Type of Institution Median Pell Grant Percentage Core Expenses per FTE Student Two-year Public 34.7 $11,287 Two-year Non-profit Private 38 $13,657 Four-year Public 45 $27,608 Four-Year Non-profit Private 44 $34,361 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

27 Needy Student Requirement
Your institution meets the needy student requirement if: At least 50% of your 2013 fall semester, unduplicated student head count of undergraduate and graduate degree students received financial assistance under one or more of the following programs: Federal Pell Grant; Federal Work-Study; Federal Perkins Loan; or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant programs. (Part III, 1B), OR Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

28 Needy Student Requirement
The percentage of your 2013 fall semester, undergraduate degree students who were enrolled on at least a half-time basis and received Federal Pell Grants exceeded the median percentage of undergraduate degree students who were enrolled on at least a half-time basis and received Federal Pell Grants at comparable institutions that offered similar instruction. (Part III, 1D). Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

29 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Ineligible If deemed ineligible based on system calculations, institutions may choose to submit a waiver. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

30 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Waivers Institutions that are unable to meet the Needy Student enrollment requirement or the average Core Expenses requirement may apply for waivers*. The applicant MUST address the waiver in its entirety and include all the required documentation, evidence, and data pertaining to the waiver as instructed in the application. *See application booklet for waiver instructions and required information. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

31 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Waiver Options There are six waiver options for the Needy Student enrollment requirement. There are five waiver options for the average Core Expenses requirement. An institution may choose to respond to one or more waiver option. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

32 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Waiver Example Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

33 Submitting the Application
Applications for eligibility should be completed and submitted electronically at: Note: The notice inviting applications, as published in the Federal Register on November 19, 2015 contains instructions for applicants unable to submit their application electronically. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

34 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Verifying Status ELIGIBLE Applicants will immediately receive their Eligibility letter. Eligible branch campuses will have access to their letter after January 30, 2016 Eligibility staff must confirm the branch campus meets the definition of an accredited branch campus. INELIGIBLE Applicants will have access to their letter after January 30, Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

35 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Helpful Hints Choose which program(s) you may apply for and/or cost- share waiver. (You may select up to two programs.) Please upload supporting documents in the following formats: Microsoft Word, Excel, PDF, GIF, or JPEG. ALL passwords are reset annually. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

36 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
More Information The official FY 2016 Designation as an Eligible Institution Application Booklet and the Notice Inviting Applications (NIA)* for this program can be found online at: * Note: This presentation does NOT supersede reading and following the instructions in the application booklet and NIA. Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

37 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Webinar Schedule Date Time URL Webinar Meeting No. Webinar Meeting Password Dial-in Phone Number Participants Code 12/03/2014 1 PM EST Welcome1 12/08/2016 3 PM EST Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

38 FY 2016 Application Deadline
January 4, 2016 11:59 p.m. Do NOT wait until the last day to submit your application! Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

39 Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016
Contacts Christopher M. Smith Jeffrey Hartman Designation of Eligibility | FY 2016

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