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CGC 1D: Grage 9 Academic Geography

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Presentation on theme: "CGC 1D: Grage 9 Academic Geography"— Presentation transcript:

1 CGC 1D: Grage 9 Academic Geography
Welcome back! CGC 1D: Grage 9 Academic Geography

2 Welcome back!!! Big Idea = Let's get to know you! 1. Welcome to Geography 2. Tell me about yourself 3. Object representation 4. A Little bit about me 5. Your first TEST.....yikes 6. Expectations & Course Overview

3 Grade 9 Academic Geography
M. Stephane St Denis Website:

4 So let’s get to know you! Please introduce yourself by stating your
Name, your interests, something interesting about your summer and: the most interesting place you have ever travelled to, and explain why it was interesting, or the location you would love to travel to if you had the choice, and why.

5 A little bit about me... 1. Name 2. Family & Pets 3. Hometown 4. Education 5. Birthday 6. Interests and past times

6 Which object best represents you and your personality, and why?

7 Your First Test Instructions: This will be your hardest test ever, because it's all about me! Are you ready for the questions? 1. What is my first name? 2. How many children do I have? 3. Name my child(ren)? 4. What kind of pets do I have? 5. What are my pet's names? 6. How long have I lived in Long Sault for? 7. What University did I graduate from? 8. Name two of my interests outside of school 9. What high school did I do to? 10. How old am I?

8 Your First Test...Answers
1. What is my first name? - (Stephane) 2. How many children do I have? - (1) 3. Name my child(ren) - (Westley) 4. What kind of pets do I have? - (2 dogs) 5. What are my pet's names? - (Taylor and Chase) 6. How long have I lived in Long Sault for? - (6 years) 7. What University did I graduate from? - (uOttawa) 8. What city was I born in? - (Cornwall) 9. What High school did I go to? - (La Citadelle) 10. How old am I? - (31 years old)

9 Course rules and expectations

10 Course outline and overview

11 What does being prepared for class mean? What does it look like?
Let’s write down some ideas:

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