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How do Machines Impact our Daily Lives?

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Presentation on theme: "How do Machines Impact our Daily Lives?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do Machines Impact our Daily Lives?
Essential Question How do Machines Impact our Daily Lives? Brainstorm all the machines you use from the start of your day of your day until the end of the day . Be ready to explain how you think they are a machine

2 What is a machine? A machine is a tool that consists of one or more parts, and uses energy to achieve a particular goal. Machines are usually powered by mechanical, chemical, thermal, or electrical means, and are frequently motorized. Electronics that do not have moving parts are not considered machines.

3 What is a machine? The best of Goonies… Irobot, Transformers,
YDNHTWTD What are machines designed to do? Use energy more effectively to help us do work. The best of Goonies… Irobot, Transformers, Inspector Gadget

4 Machine or not a machine
On a whiteboard… YDNHTWTD Classify the following examples as machines or not: 1) Rake 6) cash register 11) pencil 2) Blanket 7) computer 12) sink 3) Tractor 8) can opener 13) straightener 4) Chair 9) house 14) phone 5) Book 10) bike 15) light

5 Machine or not a machine
The machines are in blue.. YDNHTWTD Classify the following examples as machines or not: 1) Rake 6) cash register 11) pencil 2) Blanket 7) computer 12) sink 3) Tractor 8) can opener 13) straightener 4) Chair 9) house 14) phone 5) Book 10) bike 15) light

6 Later on Persian Wheels were used to move water…read how this was done
Historical Machines Water YDNHTWTD Roman engineers developed a mechanical system to transport water many kilometers. They were made of three main parts: Pump to raise the water into reservoirs Sloped channels to carry the water to cities Distribution systems to carry water to bathhouses and reservoirs Later on Persian Wheels were used to move water…read how this was done

7 Trial and Error for developing Mechanical Systems
YDNHTWTD Trial and error is described as finding the best way to do something. It is basically what it says, you try it out, fix the errors until you have the best possible device. Trial and error for submarine in handout Aircraft history Submarine history

8 4 Effects of Simple Machines
1. Changing the direction of a force (i.e. pulley on a flagpole, the pulley changes your downward pull to an upward pull on the flag) 2. Multiplying force (i.e. a screwdriver a small force on the handle becomes a large force in the shaft) 3. Increasing or decreasing speed (i.e. scissors, the scissor blades cut the paper more quickly than if you were to move the handles together) 4. Transferring force (i.e. staple remover, a type of lever transfers force to the object being moved)

9 4 Effects of Simple Machines
YDNHTWTD Identify the effect(s) that each machine is using to reduce the input mechanical force to maximize the output mechanical force: Water well

10 4 Effects of Simple Machines
YDNHTWTD Identify the effect(s) that each machine is using to reduce the input mechanical force to maximize the output mechanical force: Water well Changing direction Increasing speed

11 4 Effects of Simple Machines
YDNHTWTD Identify the effect that each machine is using to reduce the input mechanical force to maximize the output mechanical force: 2) Knife

12 4 Effects of Simple Machines
YDNHTWTD Identify the effect that each machine is using to reduce the input mechanical force to maximize the output mechanical force: 2) Knife Transferring force Increasing speed Multiplying force

13 4 Effects of Simple Machines
YDNHTWTD Identify the effect that each machine is using to reduce the input mechanical force to maximize the output mechanical force: 3) Pencil Sharpener

14 4 Effects of Simple Machines
YDNHTWTD Identify the effect that each machine is using to reduce the input mechanical force to maximize the output mechanical force: 3) Pencil Sharpener Changing direction Increasing speed Multiplying force

15 4 Effects of Simple Machines
YDNHTWTD Identify the effect that each machine is using to reduce the input mechanical force to maximize the output mechanical force: 4) Excavator

16 4 Effects of Simple Machines
YDNHTWTD Identify the effect that each machine is using to reduce the input mechanical force to maximize the output mechanical force: 4) Excavator Changing direction Changing speed Multiplying force

17 Simple Machines Simple machines are a tool made up of one basic machine.

18 Simple Machines Levers p270 Wheel and Axle p 286 Gear p287 Pulley p292
Inclined plane p276 Screw Wedge

19 Bill Nye Video and Worksheet
Worksheet due Wednesday Bill Nye Simple Machines

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