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Homeroom 11/18/14 Wednesday 11/19– Panther Paws Store Open

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1 Homeroom 11/18/14 Wednesday 11/19– Panther Paws Store Open
Write these important dates in your agenda: Wednesday 11/19– Panther Paws Store Open ELA Curriculum Night 6:00-8:00 Friday 11/21– Spirit Wear Day Monday 11/24-Friday 11/28– Thanksgiving Holiday Break – No School Monday 12/01 – Return to School Last day to pay for the 6th grade field trip – January 16.

2 Warm Up: Complete the ½ sheet on verbs. Work Session:
E.L.T. 11/18/14 Warm Up: Complete the ½ sheet on verbs. Work Session: Finish your InterActive Reader and Writer work from yesterday (p ) and show it to me for a grade. Complete “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout…” Closing: Flocabulary – Video & Quiz

3 Language Arts – Warm Up 11/18/14
Sit in your GREEN teams. Warm Up – Journal Sheet Complete the “Brushing Your Teeth” sheet with transition words. Hint: There are transition words on the back you could use!

4 11/18/14 Essential Question: How do you accurately write step-by-step directions? Standards: W.6.2.a – Introduce a topic; organize ideas, concepts, and information, using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.  W.6.4 – Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

5 Language Arts – Warm up 11/18/14
How to Make Toast Highlight the topic sentence. Number the steps. Circle transition words. Underline the conclusion.

6 Language Arts – Warm up 11/18/14
How to Make Toast Have you ever craved a crunchy treat to complement your scrambled eggs? Warm buttered toast is a snap if you follow these easy instructions. To begin, make sure you have all of the appropriate supplies. You will need: fresh bread (any kind), a toaster, a knife, a plate or napkin, and a topping of your choice (butter, margarine, cinnamon and sugar, or jam). First open the bag of bread. Once you have decided how many pieces you would like to toast, insert them into the slots in the toaster. Most importantly, remember to plug in the toaster so it will heat your bread. Before pushing down the lever to start the toasting process, select how darkly toasted you would like your bread to be.

7 Language Arts – Warm up 11/18/14
How to Make Toast While waiting for your toast to pop up out of the toaster, open any of the toppings you will be adding. Once the toast is ready, carefully remove it from the toaster. Next place the toasted bread on the plate or napkin. Then, using the knife, spread the topping of your choice onto your toast. Enjoy eating your delicious toast alone or with another yummy dish! Lastly, close up any open packages and unplug the toaster so that it may cool. It is also important to clean up your work space. Remember these easy directions any time you crave a delicious snack!

8 Language Arts – Work session 11/18/14
Your Turn! Select a topic and write your own “How-To” on the back of “How to Make Toast.” Be sure to include transitions. You must write at least three paragraphs.

9 Language Arts – Closing session 11/18/14
Share your “How To” writing. Did you leave out any parts? Would you add to your writing to make it more complete? Homework packet –due Thursday!

10 11/18/14 Closing Session Homework: Homework packet –due Thursday!
Add to your Reading Record (extra credit) Each entry needs parental initials!

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