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Sobre ese examen de CMS…

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Presentation on theme: "Sobre ese examen de CMS…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sobre ese examen de CMS…
About that CMS Exam…

2 El examen de CMS (The CMS Exam)
There’s a CMS exam.

3 Say what It existed for about 8 years. Then…
they changed it 2 weeks ago.

4 Then what is it, huh? You do listening on a computer:
30 short multiple choice questions in English Same vocabulary we’ve worked on this year; shouldn’t be too bad. Then right after that you do speaking: 3 short questions: They give you what to talk about in English, you say it in Spanish. You can also play the description in Spanish to hear Spanish words before you record.

5 Then what else is it, huh? You do reading on a computer:
A short written thing in Spanish 30 short multiple choice questions in English Same vocabulary we’ve worked on this year; shouldn’t be too bad. Then right after that you do writing: 3 different questions, based on how you did in the reading section: They give you a situation in English. You type in a box in Spanish; they have letters with accents and upside down things to click on.

6  We have to do the listening and speaking part before the end of May. You do the reading and writing part on exam day in June. To do well on the speaking and writing sections, add as much detail as you possibly can (even if it’s boring). But don’t totally change the subject. And, use complete sentences. “Me gustan los perros.” is a complete sentence. So is “No me gustan los gatos.”. For example, if you’re describing yourself, give like 7 adjectives: “Yo soy bajo y flaco y trabajador y bonito y serio y chistoco y tengo los ojos azules…” Etc.

7  The way the grading is set up, it’s almost impossible to fail. Unless you just bark like a dog instead of saying things in Spanish.

8  Grading: Not Ratable 50 Novice Low 65 Novice Mid 75
Novice High 85 Intermediate Low 95 Intermediate Mid Or Higher 100

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