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What quests have you been on in life?

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Presentation on theme: "What quests have you been on in life?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What quests have you been on in life?
The Hero's Quest What quests have you been on in life?

2 The Hero and Conflict The hero always has both internal and external conflict What is a metaphor? Dragon = hero’s fear Hero conquers dragon= he conquers fear

3 The Call to Adventure The call The Threshold The God-Teacher
The Threshold Guardians

4 The Call to Adventure 1. The Herald 2. The Awakening 3. The Blunder

5 The Threshold After the call to adventure is answered
The hero steps or departs from home or a place of safety into the world of adventure. On one side of the threshold is youth and innocence…on the other is adulthood, experience, and understanding.

6 Photo from

7 The God-Teacher A voice of wisdom who guides the hero on the quest.
Can’t make the journey easier, but can help the hero make the best choices. Often reinforces our own intuition.

8 The Threshold Guardians
The gatekeeper between the threshold and the start of the adventure. Makes sure the hero has what is needed for the adventure. Usually an attempt to make the hero turn back and not embark on the quest.

9 The Initiation The Belly of the Whale The Road of Trials The Temptress
Deus ex Machina The Damsel-in-Distress Apotheosis

10 The Belly of the Whale This is the place where the hero goes to overcome his or her weakness. Usually a dark place. Symbolic of death.

11 The Road of Trials Usually the most exciting phase of the hero’s quest. The road is filled with obstacles, danger, tests, monsters or dragons, either external or internal. The hero will overcome many trials

12 The Road of Trials A physical quest A mental quest A social quest
A mystical quest

13 The Temptress The temptress may be anyone or anything that attempts to lead the hero or heroine astray.

14 Deus ex Machina The “God in the Machine”
Something suddenly appears out of nowhere to save the day.

15 Damsel-in-Distress The person trapped by the villain with no means of escape.

16 Apotheosis The Hero’s exultation to a divine status—becoming greater than before

17 The Return The Boon The Elixir The Breakthrough
The Recovered Birthright The Magic Flight The Return

18 The Boon One of three things
The Elixir—a magic potion through which the hero hopes to be made immortal The Breakthrough of Personal Limits—The hero knows no limits and wins. Recovered Birthright--Returns home to claim his kingdom

19 The Magic Flight The triumphant hero returns to his or her home
Magical Flight: Helped or Hindered by Supernatural Powers The Magic Flight The triumphant hero returns to his or her home

20 The Return How has the hero changed?
Every journey leaves the hero with the experience, thus changing him/her.

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