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Prepare for Learning Skills Development & Professional Conduct Record Form (10% of whole GCSE) DATE: PRESENT? ON TIME? CORRECT KIT/EQUIPMENT?   THOROUGH.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepare for Learning Skills Development & Professional Conduct Record Form (10% of whole GCSE) DATE: PRESENT? ON TIME? CORRECT KIT/EQUIPMENT?   THOROUGH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepare for Learning Skills Development & Professional Conduct Record Form (10% of whole GCSE) DATE: PRESENT? ON TIME? CORRECT KIT/EQUIPMENT? THOROUGH GOOD REASONABLE LIMITED BASIC How well did I demonstrate my performing arts skills? How well did I follow work related rehearsal methods? How well did I carry out my role and responsibilities? How well did I co-operate with the rest of my group? How well did I show an understanding of taking responsibility for equipment? How well did I show an understanding of health and safety issues?

2 What do YOU need to achieve out of today’s rehearsal?
Learning Objectives What do YOU need to achieve out of today’s rehearsal? You are in charge of the development of YOUR Style Study, decide what your individual target for today is. Write on board. Create an up to date rehearsal schedule identifying elements that you still need to do in order to meet the sharing deadline of Tue 3rd May Apply dance/drama/music skills in order to develop your performance in line with rehearsal schedule.

3 What have you contributed to improving your piece today
What have you contributed to improving your piece today? What was your target to improve? Why do you think that these make a positive contribution to the piece? What improvements do you think still need to be made? What effect will these have? Target? New Information

4 Construct New Meaning EVERYONE is assessed on the following:
Skills for the showcase Follow work-related rehearsal methods Take on roles and responsibilities in planning and research Demonstrate co-operation with the group Demonstrate an understanding of taking responsibility for the performance needs and equipment Show an understanding of health and safety issues during the development of the showcase

5 PERFORMANCE SKILLS to be applied once the piece is developed
Apply to Demonstrate

6 What have we achieved today
What have we achieved today? What is the plan for next development lesson? Review

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