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Approach to OSCES.

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Presentation on theme: "Approach to OSCES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Approach to OSCES

2 Format 16 Active stations Short break half way through
8 minutes with 1 minute reading time ‘2 minutes remaining’ warning Some may have split tasks E.g time for examiner to ask questions





7 Marking IPADS Rated in various domains GLOBAL SCORE – 1-7
Uses no elements Uses some elements Uses half elements Uses most elements Uses all elements GLOBAL SCORE – 1-7 FEEDBACK

8 To pass to pass students have to fulfil all the following criteria:
gain a mark of 57% or more overall achieve a mark of 4 or more in at least 12 stations have no more than 2 stations with a mark of less than 3

9 Grades The grade boundaries for all clinical year OSCEs have been fixed as:  Distinction 87% and above Honours 79% and above Satisfactory 64% and above Low Pass 57% and above Unsatisfactory less than 57%




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