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Welcome to Primary 6 with Miss Berrett 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Primary 6 with Miss Berrett 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Primary 6 with Miss Berrett 1

2 Term 1 During term 1 we will be focusing on a range of curriculum areas: Literacy Numeracy Health & Wellbeing Social Sciences French Science Expressive Arts Religious Studies

3 Ivrit and Kodesh 2 periods of Ivrit and Kodesh a week
Ivrit is taught on a Monday and Thursday with Mr Guetta Kodesh is taught on a Thursday with Mrs Rosenberg

4 P.E Tuesday afternoon for two periods with Mr Fry
Friday morning for one period with Miss Berrett (outdoors) P.E kit: Dark shorts or tracksuit bottoms School polo shirt, plain t-shirt Trainers No Jewellery 4

5 Homework Spelling words with an active spell activity
Extra task such as education city or a worksheet with a specific literacy or numeracy focus Parents/ Guardians to sign the homework Corrections and comments given by the teacher .

6 Classroom Management Class helpers: different roles within the classroom. Class Dojo points to promote positive behaviour and choices: - Individual - Class - Table

7 Thank you for listening
Activity Time 7

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