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Python Print “Hello, World!”.

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Presentation on theme: "Python Print “Hello, World!”."— Presentation transcript:

1 Python Print “Hello, World!”

2 NO



5 Data Types Int Bool Long Float String == char

6 Data Structures Lists Splicing Sorting Dictionaries Keys values

7 Syntax def myMethod(param1, param2): Indentation Loops Conditionals
Imports sys, os

8 Functions Def func(param1, param2) Optionals Defaults

9 Classes class myClass: __init__ Inheritence Default(object) Hiding

10 Files open(filepath, ‘r’, ‘w’, ‘a’) read readline() readlines()
for line in file:


12 Documentation import string dir(string) help(string.strip)

13 IronPython: Python for .NET
clr Clr.AddRefernce(“filepath”) import file

14 IDEs IDLE WingIDE Eclipse Builtin IntelliSense Free version and PRO
Multiple plugins Just plain Beautiful

15 Java Fans Jython Java implementation of Python JVM compatible
Eclipse compatible Java implementation of Python JVM compatible Read:

16 Online Resources
I learned from here!! Crash course Me: I’m always online 

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