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1 MyFloridaMarketPlace
MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendor Meetings May 12, 2010 “How to Find Business Opportunities” 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. EST The toll free number is: (888) Conference Code: #

2 Agenda Today’s Agenda Today’s Agenda Welcome/Introduction
Overview of Solicitation, eQuote, and Vendor Bid System Commodity Codes Solicitations eQuote Vendor Bid System Account Helpful Hints General Guidance for Preparing Bid Responses Resources ss

3 Welcome/Introduction
Due to the number of participants, the audio portion of today’s meeting will be muted Please type any questions you may have during the in the chat box in the bottom right hand corner of the WebEx application We will address as many additional questions as possible at the end of the presentation

4 Agenda Today’s Agenda Welcome/Introduction
Overview of Solicitation, eQuote, and Vendor Bid System Commodity Codes Solicitations eQuote Vendor Bid System Account Helpful Hints General Guidance for Preparing Bid Responses Resources ss

5 Overview Overview What are Solicitations?
The process by which the buyer decides who to buy from, at what price, in what quantities, and under which terms Solicitations can be formal or informal: Formal bids are for procurements in excess of $25,000; these are typically done through the Request for Proposal, Request for Bids, etc. process Informal bids are for procurements less than $25,000; these are typically done through written quotes

6 Overview Overview Solicitations
The state primarily uses three electronic tools to solicit quotes and bid responses from the vendor community: eQuote Ariba Sourcing Vendor Bid System (VBS) These tools are all available for registration within the vendor’s MFMP VIP Account Notifications will be distributed based on the commodity codes you’ve selected Electronic notifications are a courtesy

7 Overview Overview eQuote is the tool which vendors use to respond to quote requests from the State of Florida that are under $25,000. You can access this site at: Ariba Sourcing is the tool which vendors use to respond/bid to State of Florida solicitations that are over $25,000. You can access this site at: Vendor Bid System (VBS) is the tool used by all agencies to post upcoming competitive solicitations, single source, and agency decisions and is also used by vendors to receive notices, view and search information at:

8 Agenda Today’s Agenda Welcome/Introduction
Overview of Solicitation, eQuote, and Vendor Bid System Commodity Codes Solicitations eQuote Vendor Bid System Account Helpful Hints General Guidance for Preparing Bid Responses Resources ss

9 Commodity Codes Commodity Codes
The commodity code can be comprised of 13 digits: Class - first 3 digits Group - second 3 digits Item - third 3 digits Detail - last 4 digits Most solicitations are issued at the Class or Group level (3- or 6-digit commodity code) When buyers solicit bids/quotes for products, notifications will be distributed based on the classification you’ve selected In addition, commodity codes are used by state purchasers to notify the applicable vendors of upcoming bids and solicitations

10 Commodity Codes Commodity Codes
Example – National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) Commodity Codes Florida currently uses a customized version of this structure

11 Commodity Code Commodity Codes Selecting Commodity Codes
Commodity codes are selected during the initial registration process, but can be updated as needed by logging into the Vendor Information Portal (VIP) To find or update commodity code selections, vendors can search for commodity codes in their VIP accounts For a listing of commodity codes proceed to the following links Commodity codes for goods: Commodity codes for services:

12 Commodity Codes Commodity Codes
Enter keywords to conduct searches for applicable commodity codes Vendors can simply select the checkbox next to the applicable commodity code and then hit ‘Continue’ These commodity codes are then added to the vendor’s account

13 Commodity Codes Commodity Codes
Vendors can search/add/update commodity codes with in VIP While public notification/ posting continues to be available, it is to a vendor’s advantage to register for applicable commodity codes Please note: Registration for commodity codes facilitates notification of available bid opportunities for vendors

14 Commodity Codesv Commodity Codes
Please note that there is a checkbox that a vendor can use if there is a preference for NO commodity codes to be associated with the account While public notification/ posting continues to be available, it is to a vendor’s advantage to register for applicable commodity codes

15 Commodity Codes Commodity Codes MyFloridaMarketPlace Sourcing
The commodity codes you select in VIP are transmitted to your Sourcing account at the Class (3-digit) level Once invited to a solicitation in MFMP Sourcing, you have access to the solicitation by simply logging into your MFMP Sourcing account Notifications of solicitations published in Sourcing are distributed at the Class level (first three digits of the commodity code) and are distributed to the Sourcing contact on your account Updates from VIP are sent over to Sourcing Commodity Codes are added regularly; review your accounts frequently to ensure that all your products are selected

16 Commodity Codes Commodity Codes MyFloridaMarketPlace eQuote
The commodity codes you select in your MFMP VIP account will be transmitted to your eQuote account when you first register You can manage your own eQuote categories within the system When an agency customer creates a quote for goods or services the request will be sent to the selected vendor by Commodity Codes are added regularly; review your accounts frequently to ensure that all your products are selected

17 Commodity Codes Commodity Codes
MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendor Bid System (VBS) notifications for solicitations are distributed using the 6-digit commodity (class and group) The notification will be sent to the Main Contact address in the vendor’s MFMP VIP account

18 Agenda Agenda Welcome/Introduction
Overview of Solicitation, eQuote, and Vendor Bid System Commodity Codes Solicitations eQuote Vendor Bid System Account Helpful Hints General Guidance for Preparing Bid Responses Resources ss

19 Solicitations Solicitations MyFloridaMarketPlace Sourcing
Online competitive bidding tool Used to collect bids/responses for formal solicitations (>$25,000); Current primary use is for state term contracts (STC) and DMS agency term contracts Allows the review and electronic submittal of responses / bids Notification of / invitation to solicitations based on selected commodity codes and election to receive solicitations in your VIP account The username "publicuser" grants access to view all State of Florida active, competitive bidding events Enter the username "publicuser" and password "publicuser" to enter the system

20 Solicitations Solicitations
Enter your Sourcing account username and password

21 Solicitations Solicitations
Select the agency that is responsible for the Solicitation from the list

22 Solicitations Solicitations
Select the solicitation from the list of active solicitations – Note the Time Remaining column

23 Solicitations Solicitations
Select Prepare Bid (Response) to provide a response to the solicitation

24 Solicitations Solicitations
Read, prepare and provide your bid/response as requested in the solicitation on the RFX Info page

25 Solicitations Solicitations
Submit any pricing components, if required, on the Enter Values page

26 Solicitations Solicitations
Please note that clicking the SAVE button within MFMP Sourcing only saves your bid responses The SAVE button does not transmit your bid response to the State In order to transmit your bid response to the State, you must click the SUBMIT button on the SUMMARY page of the bid response

27 Solicitations Solicitations 2 1
To verify and review your previously submitted bid, select the Bid Id number (link) To revise or edit your bid select the Revise Bid (Response) button 2 1

28 Agenda Agenda Welcome/Introduction
Overview of Solicitation, eQuote, and Vendor Bid System Commodity Codes Solicitations eQuote Vendor Bid System Account Helpful Hints General Guidance for Preparing Bid Responses Resources ss

29 eQuote eQuote How does eQuote work?
eQuote is used for informal procurement events (<$25,000) that do not require a competitive solicitation.  Allows awarded quotes to be converted to a Purchase Order within MFMP Step1: Florida buyers specify the products that they want to purchase and the vendors that they want to receive quotes from Step2: MyFloridaMarketPlace notifies selected vendors via , and delivers the eQuote directly to each vendor's eQuote inbox Step3: Vendors electronically respond to the eQuote, and have the ability to offer product substitutions or specify other decision-making information to the buyer Step4: The buying agency selects a vendor and issues a purchase order

30 eQuote eQuote Main Account Page
This is the main screen you will see when you login to eQuote You can click on the user at the bottom to edit the contact information or add additional users to the account Click on WORK at the top of the screen to view any pending eQuotes

31 eQuote eQuote Viewing Quotes Viewing Quotes
Within the WORK section you can view any pending quotes awaiting response After handling an eQuote request the supplier can select that quote to Archive Viewing Quotes Dept. of Management Services State User

32 Agenda Agenda Welcome/Introduction
Overview of Solicitation, eQuote, and Vendor Bid System Commodity Codes Solicitations eQuote Vendor Bid System Account Helpful Hints General Guidance for Preparing Bid Responses Resources ss

33 VBS VBS Vendor Bid System (VBS)
The Vendor Bid System is an online bid posting site Executive and Cabinet branch agencies and some local governments publically post competitive solicitations, agency notices and agency decisions electronically in the tool All formal solicitations that the state issues are posted in VBS Note: VBS notifications are sent as a courtesy ( s not guaranteed)

34 VBS VBS Benefits Why should vendors use VBS?
Agencies are required by Rule 60A to post all bids for public view in VBS State of Florida guarantees the validity of all bids posted in VBS MFMP vendors receive automatic notifications of new bids posted in VBS Based on commodity codes VBS is one of three bidding tools available to vendors at no charge eQuote Sourcing

35 VBS VBS VBS Main Page Select Search Advertisements to search for active solicitations

36 VBS VBS Type Agency Number Title Commodity Code Closed by Date
VBS Search Parameters Type Competitive Solicitations Public Notices Agency Decisions Agency Number Title Commodity Code (13 Digit) Closed by Date

37 VBS VBS Search Results VBS Search Results are displayed with Title, Number, Version and Type Links are provided in the Number Column to the solicitation documents

38 VBS VBS Searching for Past Advertisements
Click on Search Advertisements

39 VBS VBS Searching for Past Advertisements
Complete your selected Commodity Code and the closed dates for the past three years then click Initiate Search

40 Agenda Agenda Welcome/Introduction
Overview of Solicitation, eQuote, and Vendor Bid System Commodity Codes Solicitations eQuote Vendor Bid System Account Helpful Hints General Guidance for Preparing Bid Responses Resources ss

41 Account Helpful Hints Account Helpful Hints Type of Account
How often should I check this account? Where do I go to access this account? E-Quote At least monthly or as new products are offered Sourcing Vendor Information Portal (VIP) As needed to keep information updated Vendor Bid System (VBS) At least bimonthly (this is the main repository for all MFMP bids) MFMP Helpful Hint: Consider using your Calendar to set up reminders for updating and checking your MFMP account information MFMP Helpful Hint: There are no annual or direct fees associated with registering for any of these MFMP tools

42 Agenda Agenda Welcome/Introduction
Overview of Solicitation, eQuote, and Vendor Bid System Commodity Codes Solicitations eQuote Vendor Bid System Account Helpful Hints General Guidance for Preparing Bid Responses Resources ss

43 General Guidance for Preparing Bid Responses
The instructions for preparing a bid response vary based on the solicitation type (ITB, RFP, or ITN) Respondents should review the instructions with the evaluation criteria established in the solicitation to ensure that all critical elements are addressed Provide a professional looking response If there are questions, contact the agency solicitation contact listed in the actual solicitation Utilize the checklist provided in the solicitation to confirm compliance with the basic requirements Allow enough time to have someone in your organization review the proposed response (preferably someone not associated with the preparation)

44 General Guidance for Preparing Bid Responses
Common Pitfalls Submission of incomplete or unsigned documents Exceeding established page limits for response Not participating in mandatory meeting/site visit Relying on information that is ‘heard’ rather than getting the information is writing from the solicitation owner The most common pitfall is not allowing enough time to prepare and submit the bid

45 Agenda Agenda Welcome/Introduction
Overview of Solicitation, eQuote, and Vendor Bid System Commodity Codes Solicitations eQuote Vendor Bid System Account Helpful Hints General Guidance for Preparing Bid Responses Resources ss

46 Resources Resources Resources Solicitation Specific Questions
Contact the Agency Contract Administrator/Purchasing Office responsible for the solicitation- this information is available in the solicitation documents For technical questions concerning solicitations, please contact Vendor Help at: or Contact information: MyFloridaMarketPlace Phone: Fax: Website: Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:30 pm EDT Vendor Toolkit:

47 Resources Resources For general state term contract (STC) information, please contact the Division of State Purchasing: For questions about becoming a certified minority vendor, please contact the DMS Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD):

48 Resources Resources Today’s presentation is available on MFMP vendor toolkit Future teleconferences: 6/9/10: eInvoicing 7/15/10: MFMP / VIP Overview 8/12/10: 1 Percent Transaction Fee / Fee Reporting 9/15/10: How to find Business Opportunities Register at Questions / Comments Be on the lookout for a participant survey!

49 Wrap-Up Contact Us Team Member E-mail Phone Number
Communications Analyst (850) F&A Process Analyst (850) Operations Manager (850) Purchasing Process Analyst (850) Vendor Management Analyst (850) 3/11/2010

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