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Wigh ar wea dewing thiss?

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1 Wigh ar wea dewing thiss?
Phonics Screen in Year 1 Important Message Wigh ar wea dewing thiss? ie feall sstueppid! it is still possible to read this if you use your phonic sounds. It looks wrong to us because we know what the words should look like. We can already read. This is how your children are learning to read new words. They are recognising sounds and blending them together. To them this would make perfect sense – IF THEY KNOW ALL THE SOUNDS!

2 The Big Picture From June 2012 reading ability has been formally assessed in a Year 1 Phonics Screen. Our children are compared with other children nationally. In % scored highly and therefore ‘passed’ the Year 1 phonics screen. The national average for 2017 was 81%

3 Within Year 1 we follow the ‘Read Write Inc.’ teaching programme.
3 sets of speed sounds, blending them together to work out new words. Children start learning the speed sounds in nursery and continue well into Year 1. Remember, they can only blend the sounds they know and can therefore only read words containing the sounds they know. Not knowing all the sounds will impact on their reading ability.

4 Letter Sounds (phonemes)
Speed sounds set 1: m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h sh r j v y w th z ch qu x ng nk a sound (phoneme) is the smallest noise you can make with your mouth to represent the written letter or letters. Model blending sounds in words by putting on the sound buttons. This is how children work out new words in their reading. Good practise is to say the sounds then blend them and read the whole word. Give time to blend word cards in pairs (sound buttons already on).

5 Letter Sounds (phonemes)
Speed sounds set 2: ay ee igh ow oo oo ar or air ir ou oy Now we have more than one letter (grapheme) to represent a sound. These are called digraphs (2 letters) and trigraphs (3 letters). Model blending sounds in words by putting on the sound buttons. This is how children work out new words in their reading. Good practise is to say the sounds then blend them and read the whole word. Give time to blend word cards in pairs (sound buttons already on).

6 Letter Sounds (phonemes)
Speed sounds set 3: ee/ea oy/oi ou/ow ew ai/ay/a_e igh/i_e/ie oa/ow/o_e oo/u_e or/aw air/are ir/er/ur Now children learn that the same sound can be made in more than one way. Model blending sounds in words by putting on the sound buttons. This is how children work out new words in their reading. Good practise is to say the sounds then blend them and read the whole word. Give time to blend word cards in pairs (sound buttons already on).

7 cape a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e Tricky bits Split digraphs.
Tricky to spot as children tend to blend the sounds separately, eg; c – a – p – e. instead of seeing the ae sound. u_e

8 Tricky bits ire ear ure tion tious cious spr str scr

9 The Phonics Screen

10 Reading words (blending)
die cork

11 midnight beehive Polysyllabic words
Choose 2 or 3 sounds and write them together as a real word. Model blending the sounds to read them - use sound buttons. This is the skill used in the Year 1 phonics screen. Do a couple of nonsense words together then give time to work in pairs playing the game.

12 bulm scroy Nonsense words
Choose 2 or 3 sounds and write them together as a real word. Model blending the sounds to read them - use sound buttons. This is the skill used in the Year 1 phonics screen. Do a couple of nonsense words together then give time to work in pairs playing the game.

13 Supporting your child in phonics
Look at the letter(s), say the sound together. Say the sound NOT the letter name. Blend the sounds left to right. Make up some nonsense words using the sounds they know. Practise their sounds as they are sent home. Expect them to recognize sounds they have learnt when they are reading.

14 The Year 1 Phonics Screen.
Week commencing 11th June. All sounds. Pass or fail. Retake in Year 2. Pass mark has been 31 out of a possible 40 since the screening began. It is reviewed annually and the pass mark is never released until after the final day for submission of results.

15 Any questions?

16 Thankyou for your support. N Evans
Please find attached all the sounds your child needs to know. Highlighted sounds are the ones that your child is struggling to remember. If you have any further questions please contact me. Thankyou for your support. N Evans Letter will come home after the practise screen has been completed.

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