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Types of government.

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1 Types of government

2 Constitutional Monarchy
Definition: A political system where the hereditary ruler (king or queen) serves as head of state, but his or her powers are limited by the constitution Characteristics: Hereditary ruler Constitution Examples: England, Norway, Thailand

3 Oligarchy Definition: a government in which the power is held by a small, usually self-appointed elite Characteristics: Powers is with small group of elite Voting is usually limited to a few Examples: South Africa before 1994, Bolivia

4 Theocracy Definition: A form of government where the ruler claims to be ruling on behalf of a set of religious ideas, or as direct agents of a deity Characteristics: Religion dominated Examples: Iran, Vatican City

5 Dictatorship Definition: A form of government where power is held by a single person who may or may not have been elected Characteristics: Usually, dictator has control of the military Little or no attention paid to public opinion Single ruler Examples: Sudan, Cuba, Venezuela

6 Fascism Definition: A government with a strong centralized government with stringent social and economic control often led by a charismatic dictator Characteristics: Fervent patriotism Government control socially and economically Examples: Germany ( ); Italy ( )

7 Democracy Definition: A form of government where supreme authority rests with the people; government is elected by the people Characteristics: Recognition of individual rights and freedoms Majority rules Free and fair elections; everyone is eligible to vote Examples: Argentina, Ancient Greece

8 Republic Definition: a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them Characteristics: Representatives of the people make decisions Free and fair elections Examples: United States, France, Turkey

9 Anarchy Definition: A situation where there is no government
Characteristics: Often occurs after a civil war No recognizable governmental system exists Often plagued by groups struggling to establish power Examples: Afghanistan

10 Capitalism Definition: people own their own businesses and property and must buy services for private use, such as healthcare Characteristics: Free enterprise system Private ownership of capital goods Investment decisions made by private decision, not government directive Examples: United States

11 Socialism Definition: An economic ideology where the basic means of production is primarily owned and regulated by the government Characteristics: Government owns and controls major industries and key services Examples: Vietnam, Laos

12 Communism Definition: Political and economic theory derived from Karl Marx whereby all property is publicly owned Characteristics: State owns your land Examples: Cuba, North Korea

13 Unitary Government Definition: All powers held by the government belong to a single, central agency Characteristics: A single central organization Example: Great Britain

14 Federal Government Definition: a government in which the powers of government are divided between a central government and several local governments Characteristics: Division of powers Example: United States, Australia, Canada

15 Confederation Definition: a alliance of independent states
Characteristics: Confederate government has only the powers to handle the matters that the member states have assigned to it A cooperation Example: European Union, United States under the Articles of Confederation

16 Presidential Definition: a government that features separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches Characteristics: Distinct executive and legislative branches Separation of powers Written constitution Examples: United States

17 Parliamentary Definition: government where the executive is made up of the prime minister and the ministers cabinet Characteristics: Prime minister is leader of the majority party Prime minister and cabinet are members of the legislative branch, the parliament Cabinet is chosen from members of parliament Example: Israel

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