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Telehealth & Telecare – Helping Access PC SCIMP, NOVEMBER 2013

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Presentation on theme: "Telehealth & Telecare – Helping Access PC SCIMP, NOVEMBER 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Telehealth & Telecare – Helping Access PC SCIMP, NOVEMBER 2013
Anne Reoch Clinical lead CVD SCTT/NHS24 Hardip Devsi eHealth Strategy SGHD

2 Workshop T&T in PC - SLWG Brief feedback from T&T survey
PC Action Plan Improving Access – next steps

3 SLWG – 1)Developing action plan 2) Taking forward priority developments


5 SLWG 2 collaborative developments
KIS development with Scottish Congenital Heart Disease Network ?

6 T&T Survey Sent to all practices in Jan 2013 546 responses
Key findings…..

7 ……..Key Findings Communications
65% of responding practices have a website 81% offer telephone medical advice 25% use & SMS to communicate with patients 48% refer patients to NHS 24 or NHS Inform web sites 1%-12% refer patients to more specialized sites

8 …..Key Findings Patient Access 20% offer email access to prescription
43% offer web access to prescription 95% offer test results by phone 3% offer electronic access to test results SMS mainly offered to send appointment /recall reminders SMS 0% for prescription request SMS 1% for test results

9 …..Key findings Current use of videoconferencing (VC)
13% of practices use for some reason 3% use it for clinical consultation 1% are planning to use 85% not planning to use

10 …..Key Findings Videoconferencing (VC) Broadband to allow VC?
 38% not enough broadband 6% broadband upgrade planned in next year 53% do not know 44% stated in free text the reason for not using VC was lack of support at practice or referral site (Mgt and IT)

11 …..Key Findings Patient Home Monitoring using Telehealth
Practices were asked about their awareness of THM 42% aware of telehealth home monitoring 58% not aware of telehealth home monitoring

12 …..Key Findings Patient Home Monitoring using Telehealth
Practice Interest? 60% stated they would be interested in use 40% would not (it is not clear from the survey how many use telehealth to monitor patients)

13 …..Key Findings Telecare
5% of practices currently participated / collaborated in Telecare schemes 72% wanted to know more about Telecare

14 Next Steps – over to you……..

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