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Bell Ringer On your own or with a partner, think about a time when you went on vacation or travelled out of town. Brainstorm: List the technology that.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer On your own or with a partner, think about a time when you went on vacation or travelled out of town. Brainstorm: List the technology that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer On your own or with a partner, think about a time when you went on vacation or travelled out of town. Brainstorm: List the technology that made it easier for you than someone who might have made this same trip 100 years ago. How did you get there? What did you do? Where did you eat? What form(s) of communication did you use?

2 NOTES: Early American Inventions

3 Social, economic, and technological Advancements changed American life & Improved our standard of living.

4 Four major changes to American society included:
Increased factory & labor productivity. Transportation (including the use of the automobile). Improved communication. Rural electrification.

5 Technology extended progress into all areas of American life, including neglected rural areas.

6 Workers from the Rural Electrification Administration putting in a pole, Brown County, Kansas. This was the first rural electrical line in Kansas. (1938)

7 Review: How did industrialization and the rise of big business influence life on farms and in cities?

8 Rise of mechanization helped industries all over the United States to grow.
Examples you already know… Carnegie : Steel Rockefeller: Oil Vanderbilt: Railroads and Shipping

9 Inventions That Improved Transportation

10 Henry Ford and the use of the assembly line:
Henry Ford did not invent the assembly line…he improved it by making it move.

11 Henry Ford’s Model T will be the U.S.’s first affordable automobile.
He calls it the “Everyman’s Car.”

12 by 1924 there is a Model T built every 24 seconds!!!
America is on the MOVE !!! 300,000 are sold in 1913… by 1924 there is a Model T built every 24 seconds!!!

13 Results of improved transportation brought about by affordable automobiles:
Greater mobility. Creation of jobs. Growth of transportation- related industries such as… Road Construction, Oil, Steel, & Automobiles. Movement from urban to suburban areas.

14 Invention of the Airplane:
On December 17, brothers, Orville and Wilber Wright, will make the first successful powered flight.

15 The second and third flights covered 175 & 200 feet respectively.
Orville was the first to take off, at 10:35 a.m., and flew the Wright Flyer I for 12 seconds, covering a distance of 120 feet, against a 20-m.p.h. wind. The second and third flights covered 175 & 200 feet respectively. In the fourth and last flight, Wilbur remained aloft for 59 seconds and flew 852 feet.

16 It will be the start of the aviation age… travel will never be the same again.

17 Inventions That Improved Communication & Entertainment

18 Electrification Changed American life:
Four major changes: Electric lighting. Provided entertainment. Improved communications. Created labor-saving products that made life easier.

19 Effects of the Light Bulb
Thomas Alva Edison invented the light bulb and mechanical uses of electricity.

20 An Original Edison Bulb and Patented

21 Effects of the Light Bulb
Extends the work day. Increases productivity. Provides a measure of safety with the addition of street lights and eliminating the need for propane lamps inside buildings.

22 Communication changes:
Increased availability of telephones. Development of the radio and broadcast industry (Marconi). Development of the movies (motion pictures). Guglielmo Marconi with his first radio.

23 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, improving communication.
Link: How a “switch board works Link: How to use a rotary phone

24 Though many people will construct different types of projectors, which produce moving pictures, Thomas Edison will invent the first “commercially successful” projector in 1896.

25 The Broadcast Industry
Radio: The Broadcast Industry David Sarnoff Broadcast:

26 Labor-Saving Inventions

27 Many inventions improved the lives of families & help us to save time… 1.refrigerator 2.washing machine 3.running water 4.toaster 5.electric stove.

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