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Partnering with Municipalities

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1 Partnering with Municipalities
Jeff Rice, Utilities Efficiency Manager City of Aspen Utilities

2 Who and what We are a municipal electric and water utility (potential future geothermal) About 2,800 electric meters Serving the “donut hole” with Holy Cross Electric surrounding us About 5,500 water meters Serving to the urban growth boundary of Aspen No other water utility

3 City of Aspen Utilities Programs
Residential and Commercial DSM Appliance rebates, Incentives, interactive Community outreach Events, education, sample products Sponsorships LivingWise, CUE, Canary, CORE Innovation Renewable technologies, feasibility studies, installs

4 Inter-City Partners City of Aspen Utilities
Global Warming Department (Canary Initiative) Z-Green Program Environmental Health Community Development Department (Bldg. Dept.)

5 External Partners Community Office for Resource Efficiency (CORE)
Holy Cross Rural Electric Association

6 Inter-city Partners Global Warming Department Aka. Canary Initiative
Track GHG emissions / mitigate 2050 and Canary Action Plan Educate Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX)

7 Inter-city Partners Z-Green Program Citizen Business Events
Canary Tags                <>

8 Inter-city Partners Environmental Health ZGreen Canary Initiative
Air and Water Quality Recycling Noise Ordinance Disease control (West Nile)

9 Inter-city Partners Community Development Department (Bldg. Dept.)
Aggressive “green” building code LEED, Green Build Council (GBC) Renewable Energy Mitigation Program (REMP) Administered by CORE EnergyStar® Homes HERS, GEO grants

10 External Partners Community Office for Resource Efficiency (CORE)
COA, Pitkin, HCE, Snowmass Village, Glenwood, others Board administered Administers the REMP fund Programs Rebates, incentives, assistance Government and grants Position funding Grants Renewable, feasibility, design, assistance Community

11 External Partners Holy Cross Rural Electric Association (HCE)
Residential and Commercial DSM Appliance rebates, Incentives, interactive Community outreach Events, education, sample products Sponsorships LivingWise, CORE

12 Working together Economic Stimulus Promotion Program COA, HCE, CORE
Opportunity for customer base June 1st –December 15th Administered through CORE One source vs. three Current COA and HCE programs beefed up CORE programs still available

13 Working together Promo Programs – Appliance rebates up to double COA
HCE CORE Promo Refrigerator $150 $75 $225 Clothes Washer $300 Dish Washer

14 Working together Incentives – Solar, GSPS, Audits COA HCE CORE Promo
$3/wt 3kW max. $2/wt 10kW Max. Up to $5/wt First 3kW GSPS 20% of install $4,000 Additional $1200 w/matching Audits %50 of TEA $500 max. Free Electric Aduit Individual need basis Varies

15 Working together Putting it out there
COA and HCE work through CORE for promo CORE – newspaper adds, radio spots, web site COA / HCE provided CORE with all necessary information

16 Big Partner Picture

17 Big Partner Picture Working together for a common goal Strategies
Support Cooperation Sharing information and staff

18 Big Partner Picture Equals success
Equals a variety of programs that appeal to all customers Equals cohesive programs Equals near one stop shopping Equals community-wide vestment

19 City of Aspen Contacts COA Utilities Canary Initiative
Jeff Rice or Canary Initiative ZGreen/Environmental Health Community Development Department

20 External Contacts CORE Holy Cross Rural Electric Association
Gary Goodson, CORE Holy Cross Rural Electric Association Steve Casey

21 Jeff Rice, Utilities Efficiency Manager City of Aspen Utilities
Thank You! Jeff Rice, Utilities Efficiency Manager City of Aspen Utilities

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