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Chapter XX Column 1 and 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter XX Column 1 and 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter XX Column 1 and 2

2 manserunt Meaning: they have stayed
Part of Speech: Verb (third person plural, perfect tense)

3 post Meaning: after Part of Speech: preposition (+accusative)

4 Medius, -a, -um Meaning: mid-, middle Part of Speech: Adjective

5 Media nox

6 midnight Part of speech: noun/adjective

7 Licetne nobis…? Meaning: Is it allowed for us…? May we…?

8 paulisper Meaning: for a short time Part of Speech: Adverb

9 Esto!

10 All right! Part of Speech: Interjection

11 misisti Meaning: You have sent
Part of Speech: Verb (second person singular, perfect tense) Derivatives: Transmit Remit transmission

12 voluimus Meaning: we have wanted
Part of Speech: Verb (irregular; first person plural, perfect tense)

13 enim Meaning: for Part of Speech: Conjunction

14 Dum…devorant Meaning: While they were devouring

15 Miles, militis, m.

16 soldier Part of Speech: Noun Derivatives: Military Militia militant

17 Vir optime Meaning: Sir

18 Optimus, -a, -um

19 Best, very good Part of Speech: Adjective Derivatives: Optimum optimal

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