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The children at Felsted Primary School wanted to create Malkin’s journey in stages based on what they felt were two distinct parts of the book- The first.

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Presentation on theme: "The children at Felsted Primary School wanted to create Malkin’s journey in stages based on what they felt were two distinct parts of the book- The first."— Presentation transcript:

1 The children at Felsted Primary School wanted to create Malkin’s journey in stages based on what they felt were two distinct parts of the book- The first half where we learn about his past, he meets Roux and helps animals in need. The second half where he arrives at the Recycling Centre and brings together the Putrescibles with the rest of the cats. They wanted to use material and create a collage to represent the idea of recycling. This is the first part of Malkin’s journey

2 This half of their collage focuses on the Putrescibles and their life in the putrid, toxic environment. Malkin sits on the wall as a symbol of peace and being in the middle of the two worlds.

3 The last part of their collage symbolizes the cats coming together, the flowers are the nature reserve surrounding the recycling centre. (we also have some colourful mattresses!)

4 The Year 4 loved this challenge and working together as a team.

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