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Our Environment Student Involvement – Green Impact - Excellent, Incredible Edible, Botanical & Sustainability Society’s Policy and strategy engagement.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Environment Student Involvement – Green Impact - Excellent, Incredible Edible, Botanical & Sustainability Society’s Policy and strategy engagement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Environment Student Involvement – Green Impact - Excellent, Incredible Edible, Botanical & Sustainability Society’s Policy and strategy engagement Carbon reduction Recycling Events; Go Green week, Earth Hour, TQG Garden, fruit tree planting, Fresher's induction etc. Contact Notes to support training session, discuss; Two societies supported by the Students Union Involvement with university policy and procedure decision making sitting on the Sustainability Action Working Group and university Vice Chancellors Board engaging with senior management and decision making on behalf of the student populous. Where the policy and strategy can be found, brief overview of what's in it. Hand out booklets Students engage with carbon management and student projects look at ways of reducing through their studies. Introduction of Living lAb and funding opportunities Recycling initiatives include British Heart Foundation end of year clear out, book recycling scheme, List events current and in the future Who to contact

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