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Improving the Effectiveness of Tier 2 Interventions

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Presentation on theme: "Improving the Effectiveness of Tier 2 Interventions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving the Effectiveness of Tier 2 Interventions
Bob Putnam Ph.D., BCBA-D, LABA

2 Whose on the Webinar Poll
Before We Get Started… Whose on the Webinar Poll Teachers Pupil Personnel SWPBIS Team Members Coaches and Trainers School Administration District Administration Other


4 Tier 2 Resources University of Missouri Tier 2 workbook
University of Connecticut Tier 2 workbook

5 Goals What are the strategies to reduce the use of Tier 2 interventions? What are the systems to improve Tier 2 interventions? What data sources should we use to assist in improving Tier 2 interventions? What are the overall ways to improve Tier 2 practices?

6 What are the strategies to reduce the use of Tier 2 interventions
Schoolwide Classwide

Tier 3 -Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior FEW Tier 2 - Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior SOME Tier 1 - Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings ALL

Tier 3 - Tertiary Prevention: Reduce complications, intensity, severity of current cases 6+ referrals FEW 2-5 referrals Tier 2 - Secondary Prevention: Reduce current cases of problem behavior SOME Tier 1 - Primary Prevention: Reduce new cases of problem behavior 0-1 referral ALL

9 Referrals per Student 9

10 Supporting Social Skills and Academic Performance
Emphasize: 4 Integrated Elements OUTCOMES Supporting Staff Behavior SYSTEMS DATA Supporting Decision Making Effective implementation of an evidence-based practice requires four interactive elements that enable continuous monitoring, informed decision making, and continuous self-enhancement:  Outcomes: academic and behavior targets that are endorsed and emphasized by students, families, and educators.  Practices: interventions and strategies that are evidence based.  Data: information that is used to identify status, need for change, and effects of interventions.  Systems: supports that are needed to enable the accurate and durable implementation of the practices of SWPBS. PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior 10

11 Essential Features of Tier 2 Interventions
Continuously available Quickly and easily accessible Minimal time commitment required from teachers Required skill sets can be easily learned Aligned with schoolwide expectations All personnel are aware of the interventions and their roles within the process Consistently implemented with most students, but with some flexibility Matched to the function of the student’s behavior

12 Tier 2 Systems Readiness Checklist

13 Critical Features of Tier 2 Readiness
Tier 1 implemented with fidelity Tier 1 data reviewed and used Principal and district commitment to Tier 2 Plan to make faculty aware of Tier 2 alignment and implementation Tier 2 Team identified Data system supportive of Tier 2 information Plan in place to identify interventions

14 Poll… Tier 1 Fidelity ? NA 30% 50% 70% 80% 90% Was Tier 2 readiness assessed before beginning? Yes No

15 Is Tier 1 implemented with fidelity across all settings and effective in your school?

16 Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)
Is Tier 1 implemented with fidelity across all settings and effective in your school? Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Tier 1 subscale: 70% School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) 80% school-wide implementation average Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) 70% total score Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) 80% of staff report that School-wide, Classroom, and Non-classroom systems are in place

17 05% 20% 11% 22% 84% 58%

18 Are Tier 1 Classroom features implemented and effective in your school?

19 Critical Tier 1 features are in place in classrooms
Classroom Matrix for Activities within the class setting Routinely teaching and reinforcing classroom procedures 5:1 ratio of positives to correctives Use of the Class Matrix to Pre-Correct and Redirect 5. Opportunities to respond, effective instruction 6. Use a continuum of strategies prior to delivering an in- class consequence that includes Proximity, Prompt, Redirect, Re teach, Providing Choice Of particular importance is making sure that universal classroom practices are in place and operating with a high degree of fidelity. At tier II, the intent of the interventions are to increase connections to the school, to provide increased rates of practice of skills, and to increase behavioral fluency through the use of acknowledgment. This means that behavioral errors need to be addressed as part of a schools tier I system. In other words, when behavioral errors are noted, the people interacting with the student need to address them. Addressing them adequately means not only having a classroom matrix, but teaching those procedures to the point they are routines, using acknowledgement to help build skills, and using correctives to help provide instruction as opposed to punish. Please note: the consequence continuum is not sequential. While each action takes more time and energy, the teacher should choose the strategy that is appropriate for the student’s need. Also note: something like a yellow, red and green card/clothespin continuum is not in place of these strategies. That is a system for tracking minor redirections prior to a larger consequence, such as conferencing with the teacher, change of seat, staying in from recess to complete and assignment, etc. Within the classroom, correction should focus on skill acquisition and generalization and ultimately encourage the student to self monitor. Clothespin systems, stop lights, demerits, etc are reactive and are not instructional. They provide a frequency count for bad behavior but do not teach nor build fluency around what is expected. This concept is critical because tier II is not increased punishment, but rather increased opportunity to practice and build mastery.

20 Consultation and Coaching
Brief training and coaching to teacher to support her class-wide BSP and instructional practices Focused on increasing praising, decreasing behavior correction and increasing proactive monitoring. Taught her ways to change practices and provided graphical feedback Pre consultation Sept – Feb Brief training and coaching March – June

21 Office Referral Data (Pre-Consultation)
ABAI 2013 Office Referral Data (Pre-Consultation)

22 Breakdown of ODRs Pre Classroom Consultation
ABAI 2013 Breakdown of ODRs Pre Classroom Consultation 6+ referrals 2.5% 2-5 referrals 30% 0-1 referral 67.5% of Students

23 Teacher Practices

24 Teacher Practices Praise to BC 1.4 : 1

25 Office Referral Data (Pre-Consultation)
ABAI 2013 Office Referral Data (Pre-Consultation)

26 Office referral Data (Post Classroom Consultation)
ABAI 2013 Office referral Data (Post Classroom Consultation) Don’t really understand this graph… If we keep it, you’ll have to explain this well during the presentation.

27 Breakdown of ODRs Pre Classroom Consultation
ABAI 2013 Breakdown of ODRs Pre Classroom Consultation 6+ referrals 2.5% 2-5 referrals 30% 0-1 referral 67.5% of Students

28 Breakdown Post CwBSP Implementation
ABAI 2013 Breakdown Post CwBSP Implementation 0% 2-5 referrals 2.5% 0-1 referral 97.5% of Students This is great!!!



31 Tier 1 systems effectively support the majority of students.
85% or more of students in the 0-1 ODR range or under 1 ODR per day/100 students

32 Have the right Tier 2 Behavior Systems Team members been identified?

33 Tier 2 Systems Team Team Membership: Team Procedures
Behavioral expertise Administrative authority Student knowledge and contact Familiarity with school operations and policy Team Procedures Meets at least monthly Agenda and minutes Defined roles Review of data (systems, interventions, and treatment integrity) Action plan

34 Tier 2 Team Responsible for the overall management of the system of support for Tier 2 students and teachers. Provides regular data to classroom teachers Serves as problem solving team for students who do not respond to classroom interventions Develops targeted interventions that are continuously available Matches student need with appropriate targeted intervention Connects targeted interventions with school-wide expectations Communicates about interventions with faculty and staff Monitors implementation of targeted interventions and student response to intervention Reviews data to recommend future action

35 Are the right students being identified for Tier 2 supports?

36 Identify Students for Tier 2: ODR
Tier 2 will not be enough for students who exhibit the most serious problems Appropriate (Tier 1 + Tier 2) Low-level problem behavior (not severe) 2-5 referrals Screening data Behavior occurs across multiple locations Inappropriate Serious or violent behaviors/infractions Extreme chronic behavior (6+ referrals) Require more individualized support Full FBA Wraparound services

37 Identify Students for Tier 2: Teacher Nomination
Teacher Nomination for Assistance Short/simple Designed for quick response Identifies internalizing & externalizing ? Allows for early identification? One way to find at risk students is a teacher nomination process. Most of the schools we work with have some type of nomination or referral process in place. However, for a variety of reasons teachers are more likely to refer students for academic concerns than for behavior. In addition, if a student is referred for a behavior concern typically it is students with externalizing concerns who are nominated

38 Identifying Students for Tier 2: Screening
Screen for internalizing problems Anxiety Depression Screening should be brief and easily accessible Screen school-wide (3x/year) or when trying to make Tier 2 decisions Suggested screening measures SAEBRS Student Risk Screening Scale Strengths and Difficulties Questionaire



41 Poll… Tier 2 Fidelity ? NA 30% 50% 70% 80% 90%

42 Questions??

43 What are the overall ways to improve Tier 2 practices?

44 Common Tier 2 Interventions
Check-In, Check Out (Behavior Education Program) Check and Connect Student Engagement Model Social Skills Intervention Groups First Step to Success Academic Instructional Groups Academic Accommodations Student Self Management

45 Identify Function and Context to Select the Intervention
Was the primary problem behavior identified correctly? ▶ Is the intervention aligned with the function of the student’s behavior? ▶ Are there other functions to consider?

46 Does the intervention address what the student needs?
The intervention should be an appropriate match to what the student needs Problem behavior Skill building Academic skills Must be effective and efficient! Match the intervention to the function of the student behavior

47 Identify Function: Conduct a Brief FBA
Use data to identify patterns in behavior Conduct a FACTS interview with teachers and staff to identify function of behavior Observe student in setting Identify function of behavior(s) and readjust classroom practices as necessary

48 Check In/Check Out (CICO)
Students most likely to benefit: Demonstrate low level disruptions such as talking out, talking back, off-task, or out of seat behaviors Who enjoy positive adult attention Can be modified to serve students with Escape motivated behavior Internalizers

49 Change Reinforcement: Assess Student Preference
Increase motivation, change the reinforcement Conduct a preference assessment Ask: What is the payoff for the student for following expectations?

50 Provide More Frequent Feedback
Implement additional feedback session with the intervention facilitator Allow for more frequent interactions between the student and his/her teachers

51 Individualize the Feedback Procedure: CICO
Allow the student to select the adult with whom he or she will regularly meet to review progress Allow the student to use alternative ways to contact the adult that will monitor his or her progress (e.g. , notes, etc.)

52 Individualize the Feedback Procedure: CICO
Peer Attention: Provide peer attention for meeting expectations Check out with a friend Sit with friend(s) at lunch Brief free time with friend at end of class

53 Feedback: Social Skills Intervention
Manipulate antecedent conditions Precorrect to have positive interaction Example: Cue cards taped to the student’s desk Manipulate consequence conditions Provide high doses of recognition for demonstration of appropriate behavior Ignore demonstration of inappropriate behavior

54 The systems are all in place, but students are not responding to Tier 2 interventions?!

55 Questionable / Poor response Tier 2 Intervention
Assess fidelity of implementation Results from research indicate a majority (i.e., 60-75%) of students will show a positive response to the CICO intervention when it is implemented with fidelity (i.e., daily check-in, regular teacher feedback, daily check-out, data collection and monitoring, parent participation and feedback)

56 Was CICO implemented with fidelity?
Student checks in every day Teacher provides specific performance feedback at each time period Student checks out every day Parent provides specific performance feedback at home Student receives reinforcement consistently for meeting daily goals Data are used for decision-making Is CICO implemented with fidelity across all students who use it?

57 Check fidelity of CICO implementation
CICO Coordinator School resources for CICO Documentation of CICO processes Administrator on CICO team 90% of students in CICO check-in and check-out daily 90% of students in CICO receive reinforcement and feedback 75% of students in CICO receive feedback from parents DPR data is entered daily CICO data used for decision-making Are the CICO systems in place and implemented with fidelity?

58 Treatment Integrity: Social Skills Interventions
Link to school-wide skills / behaviors Instructor trained Instructor follows lesson plan and includes necessary materials Dosage and frequency are followed Group is managed– Modeling, Role Play, Coaching, Behavioral Rehearsal, Feedback, Reinforcement Instructor provides adequate and effective instruction Curriculum includes plan for generalization Use this guide to go through now an Intervention Plan for Social Skills

59 Check Treatment Integrity: Self Monitoring
Target behavior accurately identified and defined Student follows when and where he/she will self-monitor Student taught how to self-monitor Intervention coordinator identified and fulfills role Teachers are involved Students review their own data weekly

60 Modify the intervention based on a particular area.
Review Progress Monitoring Data: Problem solve through DPR analyses (CICO) Analyze the daily progress report (DPR) data to identify patterns across… Behavioral Expectations: What expectations are they consistently having difficulty following? Time of day: When are they having the most difficulty following expectations? Modify the intervention based on a particular area.

61 Daily Progress Report: Daniel
11/30/16 Middle/high school 8 7 8 7 4 6 7 51 47

62 Daily Progress Report: Daniel
12/1/16 Middle/high school 8 6 7 2 7 4 7 8 51 49

63 Daily Progress Report: Daniel
12/2/16 Middle/high school 8 8 6 1 7 7 4 7 51 48

64 Daily Progress Report: Samantha
CICO Form Name: Samantha Date: 12/02/15 2 = great 1 = OK 0= hard time Safe Responsible Respectful Check In Before Recess Lunch After Recess Check Out Today’s goal: 24 Today’s total points: 21 Comments:

65 What would be a reasonable goal for Samantha at this time?
45% Goal: 80%

66 Reconsider the Goal If the student is not reaching his/her goal, maybe it is not attainable at this time Readjust to allow student to succeed Gradually increase the goal based on analysis of DPR and ODR data

67 Tier 2 Lessons Learned Effectiveness of Tier 2 is dependent upon…
High quality implementation of Tier 1 school-wide Implementation of Tier 1 in the classroom Fewer students in Tier 2 (more in Tier 1) Evidence based interventions implemented with integrity Efficient and effective for all Socially accepted Data-based decision making Match intervention to function / student need Ambitious, yet attainable goals


69 Tier 2 Resources University of Missouri Tier 2 workbook
University of Connecticut Tier 2 workbook


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