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Global History Ms. Zafonte “Towards Civilization 1”

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1 Global History Ms. Zafonte “Towards Civilization 1”
Aim: Why study history? Do Now: What is the difference between a primary & secondary source? HW: 1. Course Contract. 2. In the "Towards Civilization" Packet, read "The Study of World History Volume 1" (xv-xxii) and 1) annotate (make notations in the margins) 2)write down 3 main ideas about the reading 3) write down 2 Qs SWBAT: Explain the difference b/w a primary and secondary source Define key terms such as an historian, economists, anthropologist, etc. Describe the reasons to study history

2 H.S. Social Studies 9th – AP World part bce - ~1600 (Age of exploration) 10th – AP World part 2 ~1600s (absolutism) – present) ***AP Exam (May) / Global Regents (June) / SATII 11th - U.S. history * Regents (June) 12th - Participation in Gov’t / Economics Q: Why do we study history?

3 Why Study History? 1. Helps us understand people and societies
2. Helps us understand changes and how the society we live in came to be 3. Contributes to moral understanding 4. Helps provide identity 5. Is essential for good citizenship 6. Provides simple awareness 7. Helps us develop skills Q: What kind of skills does it help to develop?

4 What kind of history did you study last academic year?
What are the 5 themes of AP World? Give an example of each What are the 6 periods of AP World? What is the format of the AP exam?

5 AP World History Themes
1. Interaction b/w Humans & the environment Demography & disease Patterns of settlement / Migration Technology 2. Development and interaction of cultures Religions / Belief systems, philosophies & Ideologies Science & Technology Arts & Architecture 3. State-building, expansion & Conflict Political structures and forms of governance Nations and Nationalism / Empires Revolts & Revolutions Regional & global structures and organizations 4. Creation, Expansion, and interaction of Economic System Agricultural production / Industrialization Trade & Commerce Capitalism / Socialism Labor systems 5. Development & Transformation of Social structures Social & Economic Classes Gender Roles Racial & Ethnic constructions Q: Why do we have themes? AP World History Themes S.P.I.C.E Social Political Interaction b/w Humans & the Environment Culture Economics

6 Why Themes? Big world—lots of history How to make sense of it?
“Themes”—big ideas -helps organize knowledge -helps to see continuity/change -helps to compare & contrast

7 Notes: How are people GROUPED socially, &
how do these groups relate to each other? Example: Gender— Roles & relationships Compare Similar? Different? Etruscan (Italy)- 600 BCE Roman (Italy)- 60 CE

8 SOCIAL *Example: Family—#, roles, relationships. Chinese family--1930
Continuity/Change What’s continued? What’s changed?

9 SOCIAL *Example-Race/Ethnicity ? What questions might a Historian ask?
Mexican family-1763 Spanish husband Native American wife

10 POLITICAL Notes: How are people GROUPED politically, &
What unites & divides people? Example: Political structure—who has power? Compare Similar? Different? Egyptian King American president

11 Political *Example: Empires The Mongol Empire Over Time
Continuity/Change What’s continued? What’s changed? Why?

12 Liberty Leading the People
POLITICAL *Revolt & Revolution— ? What questions might a Historian ask? Liberty Leading the People Eugene Delacroix, 1830

13 INTERACTIONS Notes: How did environments shape people, &
how do people shape their environments? Example: Patterns of settlement Compare Similar? Different? Inuit (Canadian) home Bedouin (Arabia) home

14 Interactions *Example: Technology Mongolian home-yurt 1950s
Today Continuity/Change What’s continued? What’s changed?

15 Interactions *Demography (study of populations) ? What questions
might a Historian ask?

16 CULTURAL Notes: What are the unique & similar beliefs, ideas, & ways of living between peoples? Example: Religion Compare Similar? Different? Christianity Greek gods & goddesses

17 CULTURAL *Example: Beliefs (about the solar system)
Ptolemy model—160 C.E. Copernicus model—1543 C.E. Continuity/Change What’s continued? What’s changed?

18 Cultural *Architecture ? What questions might a Historian ask?
Hagia Sophia (Church of Holy Wisdom) Built by Byzantine (Christian) empire: C.E. Conquered by Ottoman (Islamic) empire: 1453 C.E.

19 Notes: How do people produce “wealth”, work, & trade with each other?
Economics Notes: How do people produce “wealth”, work, & trade with each other? Example: Labor systems Compare Similar? Different? Kenyan woman, Clothing factory Nigerian woman, Cacao (chocolate) harvest

20 Economics *Example: Agricultural production Sugar harvest, 1800s
Sugar harvest, today Continuity/Change What’s continued? What’s changed?

21 Economics Example: Trade The “Silk Road”
What questions might a historian ask?

22 SPICE Activity 1st—Write down the S.P.I.C.E. of YOU! Example: Social Family of… Race is… My social class is… 2nd—Pair & Share! Write down another’s S.P.I.C.E. 3rd—Compare! What’s similar/different about the S.P.I.C.E.s

23 AP World History – periods
Period 1: 8000bce – 600bce Period 2: 600bce-600ce Period 3: 600ce – 1450 Period 4: Period 5: Period 6: 1900 – Present Q: Why do you think the periods are broken up like this? Q: Could you break them up in another way? Q: What is periodization? What does the AP exam look like?

24 AP Exam – May 3 hrs. & 5 minutes Multiple Choice - 70 Qs in 55 mins.(4 choices) 3 essays DBQ (50 mins. Incl 10 mins. reading period) Compare/Contrast (40) Change & Continuity (40) Q: Why study AP History?


26 Why AP? 1) Save money 2) Placed out of an introductory course in college & can enter into your major 3) Better on an application, can get into a competitive school 4) The gold standard – graded not by your teachers, but by designated teachers 5) Transferrable skills – problem solving, communication (writing & verbal), analyzing sources, making comparisons, understanding changes & continuities. 6) Confidence-builder – 40% of incoming students to a 4 yr. school & 63% of incoming students to a 2 yr. University needed remedial education. If you have never taken an AP course, less likely to obtain a Bachelor’s degree Attitude of somebody who hasn’t taken an AP course – “High School is a breeze, college is a storm.”

27 How do historians categorize information?

28 Categorization of history
Time & place - 18th century Europe. Themes – connections across time & place Economic History - studies economic theories & systems in history. Social History – looks at developing social trends. Political History looks at how a state/country organizes itself. Science & Technological History Cultural History - looks at popular cultural traditions. Q: Can you provide an example for each?

29 Social Scientists Historian – studies history
Economist – studies the economy Geographer – studies geography Political Scientist - studies government & politics. Anthropologist – studies the origins & development of people & their societies Archeologist – studies physical artifacts of a culture. Sociologist - studies society Paleontologists – study the physical remains & fossils of animals & plants Q: Give me an example of what specifically some of these social scientist would study? Q: What is a geographic determinist? Q: What is the difference b/w a primary & secondary source? Provide an example.

30 Primary & Secondary Sources?
Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address? Interview with an Iraqi soldier? Article from a journalist about Iraq? President Bush’s State of the Union address? History Textbook Newspaper

31 Iceman Activity Analyze the three pictures and read the captions to answer the questions What is an artifact?

32 Global History Ms. Zafonte “Towards Civilization 2”
Aim: How did humans evolve? Do Now: How does technology play a role in the lives of early humans? HW: See engrade SWBAT: Define key terms including C.E., BCE, AD, and BC, Paleolithic age, Neolithic age, prehistory, artifact and other key terms. Explain the major difference between the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages Describe how technology has played a role in the lives of early humans.

33 Timeline CE Common Era, Christian Era, Current Era, is the period beginning with the year 1 onwards. AD Anno Domini In the year of our lord BCE Before Common Era BC Before Christ Decade -10 II Century – 100 yrs. II Millennium – 1000 Create a timeline & put these events in correct order 218 BCE Carthaginian general Hannibal invades Italy 79 CE Mount Vesuvius erupts 509 BCE Roman sets up an empire

34 Timeline Activity 1347 CE Black Death breaks out in Italy
750 BCE Athens begins to develop 1100s CE Feudalism develops in Japan 10,000 BCE Neolithic period begins Date you were born 2 million BCE Early people first begin using stone tools 320 CE Roman empire collapses 2,700 BCE Pyramid age begins in Egypt 331 BCE Alexander the Great conquers the Persian empire 82 CE Coliseum in Rome is built

35 World Map 1) Label 7 continents 2) Largest in size?
3) Largest in population? 4) Fill in other info that you know Bodies of Water Mountain Chains Names for territories (changes throughout history) Q: The populations of which three continents were able to interact & trade with relative ease since humanity's earliest days? Q: What are the benefits of having access to an oceanic coastline include? Q: Which sea is most responsible for encouraging trade, cultural interaction, & general movement b/w S. Europe, N. Africa, & the Middle East? Q: What is an example of resource extraction?

36 Workshop “Choosing a Location for a settlement” Reading
“Geographic Terms” Handout

37 The Origins of Humans Paleolithic Age: ( Old Stone Age ) 2,500,000 BCE - to 8,000 BCE Theories on prehistory and early man constantly change as new evidence comes to light Louis Leakey, British paleoanthropologist

38 Humans evolving Homo Hominids (3 mill. bce) – “human-like” 2-legged primate. Homo Habilis (2 mill bce)“Man of Skill” – stone tools, 1st true humans Homo Erectus (1.5 mill bce) – “Upright man” – made and controlled fire, 1st hunters, traveled over land bridge Homo Sapiens (2500bce) – “Wise man” buried dead, stone-tipped spears The major difference b/w Homo sapiens & previous species of humanoid is that Homo sapiens were able to exploit the natural world more efficiently than any other species Q: Why is the concept of evolution so controversial? Q: What events trigged the evolution from one stage to another?

39 Evolution clip Watch the clip (4:22) & answer Qs: 1. What were some physical changes in evolution? 2. What were some behavioral changes? 3. What are some changes & continuities from early man to modern man?

40 Hominids Habilis ( “Man of Skills” ) Found in E. Africa 3 million bce
Created Stone Tools 3 million bce Any member of the family of two-legged primates that includes al humans An Apposable Thumb

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