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Feedback Loops Friday, April 20th, 2018.

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1 Feedback Loops Friday, April 20th, 2018

2 Review: What are systems and how do they respond to change?
Open system: exchanges of matter and energy occur across boundaries Closed system: No matter and energy exchanges across boundaries (occur way less) Inputs: additions to a system Outputs: losses from a system

3 System Analysis Determine the inputs and outputs of a system and evaluate change Steady state: when inputs = outputs so the system isn’t changing

4 Positive and Negative Feedback Loops
Positive: causes a system to change further in the same direction Causes a system to change in the opposite direction; stabilizing **** Positive is not necessarily “good,” negative is not necessarily “bad”

5 Positive Feedback Loop

6 Negative feedback loop
Negative feedback loop = output from a system moving in one direction acts as input That moves the system in the other direction Input and output neutralize one another Stabilizes the system Ex: predator – prey interactions Most systems in nature

7 Positive feedback loop
Positive feedback loop = instead of stabilizing a system, it drives it further toward one extreme or another Exponential growth in human population, erosion, melting sea ice Rare in nature But is common in natural systems altered by humans


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