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Welcome to Pre-Calculus Honors

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Pre-Calculus Honors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Pre-Calculus Honors
Mrs. Michelle Pace (828) 595 – 4849

2 About Me NC State Graduate NC Teaching Fellow
5th year teaching at SRMHS

3 Invest in a Calculator TI- 83, TI-83 plus, TI (Prices range from $80-$100) You can find these calculators at local stores including Walmart, Staples, and Office Depot You can also find them online and at Pawn Shops! (sometimes for as little as $30) Absolutely NECESSARY for all future math/science courses at Southeast Raleigh and into college

4 Calculator Rental $100 replacement cost Must provide batteries
Must have completed paperwork and an ID to check out a calculator from the library Renewal options available

5 Extra Help: All math teachers offer tutorial hours for at least one hour a week My tutorials: Mondays (1st Lunch) Wednesdays (2nd Lunch & afterschool*) Fridays (3rd Lunch)

6 Grades: ASSIGNMENT WEIGHT Skills Practice 10% Quizzes, Quests 35%
Tests, Projects %

7 Quizzes consist of problems which reflect homework and/or vocabulary.
If you are absent for a quiz, you will have to make up the quiz on your own time.

8 Tests will be given covering each unit and test dates will be announced in advance. If you are absent for a test, it must be made up!! You will be responsible for scheduling a time with me to make up your test! Tests that are not made up do have numerical grades = 0 A comprehensive midterm exam will be given and will count for 10% of the first quarter grade. The final exam will be worth 20% of the student’s overall grade. The final exam will also be cumulative. Several review days will be devoted to preparing for exams in class.

9 Key Rules 1. Be on time! I follow the school tardy policy.
2. Be prepared! Or prepare to exchange a personal item in order to borrow any necessary materials. RESPECT! It is the expectation in this class that the teacher will act respectfully toward students and students will act respectfully toward the teacher and each other. Students will also respect school property and each other’s property.

10 Class Wish List TISSUES!!!! Pencils Dry-Erase Markers Colored Pencils
Jumbo Popsicle Sticks Candy

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