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Situation for Crops Chinese government purchasing 75 million bales into reserves at well above world price Despite world production consistently.

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2 Situation for Crops Chinese government purchasing 75 million bales into reserves at well above world price Despite world production consistently exceeding use, prices traded in relatively narrow range, “A” Index averaging close to 90¢

3 China Absorbing Surplus
Production less Use Outside China China’s Imports 2011/12 27.8 24.5 2012/13 17.7 20.3 2013/14 11.3 11.0 3-Yr Total 56.8 55.9

4 China Absorbing Surplus
Production less Use Outside China China’s Imports Change in China’s Stocks Change in Stocks Outside China 2011/12 27.8 24.5 20.5 2.6 2012/13 17.7 20.3 19.3 -3.4 2013/14 11.3 11.0 8.0 0.5 3-Yr Total 56.8 55.9 47.8 -0.3

5 China Absorbing Surplus
Production less Use Outside China China’s Imports Change in China’s Stocks Change in Stocks Outside China 2011/12 27.8 24.5 20.5 2.6 2012/13 17.7 20.3 19.3 -3.4 2013/14 11.3 11.0 8.0 0.5 3-Yr Total 56.8 55.9 47.8 -0.3 2014/15

6 Production Outside China

7 NCC Acreage Survey Distributed on Dec 18
Responses collected through Jan 17 Asked for acres of upland cotton, ELS cotton, corn, soybeans, wheat, other crops in ‘13 and intentions for ’14; also asked price expectations

8 Pre-Planting Market Signals
Cotton Corn Soybeans Cot/Corn Cot/Soy 2014 78.20¢ $4.53 $11.31 17.3 6.9 2013 83.18¢ $5.70 $12.84 14.6 6.5 2012 92.08¢ $5.65 $12.59 16.3 7.3 2011 118.08¢ $5.88 $13.31 20.1 8.9 2010 73.70¢ $4.04 $9.37 18.3 7.9 2009 51.65¢ $4.17 $8.98 12.4 5.8

9 U.S. Cotton Area

10 U.S. Cotton Area

11 2014 Southeast Acreage 2013 Actual 2014 Intended % Change Alabama 365
376 2.9 Florida 131 117 -10.9 Georgia 1,370 1,372 0.1 North Carolina 465 440 -5.3 South Carolina 258 248 -3.7 Virginia 78 81 4.1 Southeast 2,667 2,634 -1.2 Total may not add due to rounding.

12 2014 Mid-South Acreage 2013 Actual 2014 Intended % Change Arkansas 310
296 -4.6 Louisiana 130 157 20.7 Mississippi 290 390 34.6 Missouri 255 257 0.8 Tennessee 250 289 15.4 Mid-South 1,235 1,389 12.5 Total may not add due to rounding.

13 2014 Southwest Acreage 2013 Actual 2014 Intended % Change Kansas 27 31
13.9 Oklahoma 185 201 8.4 Texas 5,800 6,508 12.2 Southwest 6,012 6,739 12.1 Total may not add due to rounding.

14 2014 West Acreage 2013 Actual 2014 Intended % Change Arizona 160 165
3.2 California 93 68 -26.9 New Mexico 39 42 7.4 West 292 275 -5.8 Total may not add due to rounding.

15 2014 ELS Acreage 2013 Actual 2014 Intended % Change Arizona 1.5 3.6
137.2 California 187 205 9.6 New Mexico 3.5 4.0 13.4 Texas 9 12.2 35.2 ALL ELS 201 225 11.8 Total may not add due to rounding.

16 U.S. Cotton Production

17 International Area Outside China

18 Cotton Production Outside China

19 Mill Use Outside China

20 U.S. Mill Use ‘14 Farm Bill continues EAAP at 3 c/lb
Several new investments underway

21 Cotton Mill Use Outside China

22 China Absorbing Surplus
Production less Use Outside China China’s Imports Change in China’s Stocks Change in Stocks Outside China 2011/12 27.8 24.5 20.5 2.6 2012/13 17.7 20.3 19.3 -3.4 2013/14 11.3 11.0 8.0 0.5 3-Yr Total 56.8 55.9 47.8 -0.3 2014/15 11.5

23 China Supply & Demand

24 Key Assumptions Accumulating reserves ends with the ‘13 crop
Target price program planned for Xinjiang Level speculated at 18,300 RMB/ton Current reserve price at 20,400 RMB/ton TRQ of approximately 4.1 million bales Some additional quota for processing trade

25 China Balance Sheet 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 Change Production 34.0
Million Bales 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 Change Production 34.0 35.0 33.0 30.1 -2.9 Mill Use 38.0 36.0 36.4 0.4 Imports 24.5 20.3 11.0 6.4 -4.6 Stocks 31.1 50.4 58.3 0.0 Stocks/Use 82% 140% 162% 160%

26 China Absorbing Surplus?
Production less Use Outside China China’s Imports Change in China’s Stocks Change in Stocks Outside China 2011/12 27.8 24.5 20.5 2.6 2012/13 17.7 20.3 19.3 -3.4 2013/14 11.3 11.0 8.0 0.5 3-Yr Total 56.8 55.9 47.8 -0.3 2014/15 11.5 6.4

27 Cotton Trade

28 U.S. Cotton Exports

29 Competitive Export Markets
World trade mb in ‘14, down from 38.5 mb in ‘13 U.S. market share at 28%, up from 27% in ’13 (34% share in ‘08-12) For ‘14, U.S. exports at 59% of exportable supplies Exports normally at 70-75% of exportable supplies For ‘14, approximately 20% of U.S. exports to China China accounts for 38% of U.S. exports on average For ‘14, U.S. cotton accounts for 31% of China’s imports Average market share has been 37%

30 U.S. Balance Sheet 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 Change Production 15.57
Million Bales 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 Change Production 15.57 17.32 13.19 16.37 3.19 Mill Use 3.30 3.50 3.60 3.73 0.13 Exports 11.71 13.03 10.50 9.98 -0.52 Stocks 3.35 3.90 3.00 5.68 2.68 Stocks/Use 22% 24% 21% 41%

31 World Balance Sheet 12/13 13/14 14/15 Change Production 123.1 117.8
Million Bales 12/13 13/14 14/15 Change Production 123.1 117.8 118.0 0.2 Mill Use 106.4 109.5 112.8 3.3 Trade 46.0 38.5 35.8 -2.6 Stocks 89.2 97.6 103.0 5.4 China 50.4 58.3 0.0 All Others 38.8 39.3 44.6 5.3

32 China Absorbing Surplus?
Production less Use Outside China China’s Imports Change in China’s Stocks Change in Stocks Outside China 2011/12 27.8 24.5 20.5 2.6 2012/13 17.7 20.3 19.3 -3.4 2013/14 11.3 11.0 8.0 0.5 3-Yr Total 56.8 55.9 47.8 -0.3 2014/15 11.5 6.4 0.0 5.3

33 Summary Points Production continues to exceed use
Wildcards: weather and China’s area Growth in demand not enough to prevent increase in stocks Exportable supplies chasing smaller Chinese imports

34 Cotton Prices


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