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The National Register of Historic Places

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Presentation on theme: "The National Register of Historic Places"— Presentation transcript:

1 The National Register of Historic Places

2 NOT THE: National Historic Registry Historical List
Historical Registry National Trust National Registry of Historical Homes Historical Society Listing Or any of a number of other things…

3 National Register of Historic Places
Myth versus Fact There are many myths surrounding the National Register of Historic Places of Historic Places.

4 National Register of Historic Places
Required to maintain and/or restore… FALSE Required to open to public… Guarantees protection… Can’t sell… Big pots of money will appear at your door… FALSE, FALSE, FALSE Does not restrict the use of the property. (For example, an owner can continue to live in a listed house, convert a listed property to another use, continue to farm ground where a listed archaeological site may be located, conduct new construction on the site, etc.) Does not restrict the sale of private property. Does not require continued maintenance of private property. Does not require that any specific guidelines be followed in a rehabilitation (unless the owner is using federal funds or receiving an investment tax credit). Does not require the owner to give tours of the property or open it to the public. Does not guarantee funds for restoration. Does not guarantee perpetual maintenance of the property. Does not provide a tax credit for a private residential structure. Does not provide a historic marker for the property.

5 National Register of Historic Places
Does: Provide recognition Provide limited protection Qualify certain properties for tax credits Qualify owners for grants-in-aid when available Provides recognition of a property's significance in history, architecture, archaeology, or engineering. Provides limited protection when a property is endangered by a federally funded or licensed action.  Provides the owner of income-producing property (commercial or rental residential) the opportunity to receive investment tax credits for "certified rehabilitation." Provides the owner the opportunity to apply for matching grant-in-aid for restoration/rehabilitation (when funding is available).

6 National Register of Historic Places
Department of the Interior, National Park Service Established in 1966 within the National Historic Preservation Act Park Avenue with Park Harvey Building National Historic Preservation Act became law on October 15, 1966 and it includes the creation of the National Register of Historic Places, the SHPO, SHPO responsibilities, CLG program, and other preservation related legislation.

7 National Register of Historic Places
Response to demolition of historic resources Part of federal planning process Continental Theatre in Oklahoma City Historic block in Pawnee

8 National Register of Historic Places
What can be listed? Buildings Sites Structures Objects Districts

9 National Register of Historic Places
Buildings Designed to house people and their activities Greer County Courthouse in Mangum; part of the County Courthouses of Oklahoma Thematic Resources

10 National Register of Historic Places
Buildings May be of vernacular design but historic importance Saline Courthouse in Delaware County

11 National Register of Historic Places
Buildings May represent distinctive design A.W. Patterson Home in Muskogee; Romanesque Revival

12 National Register of Historic Places
Sites The location of activities important in history Rock Mary, Caddo Co.

13 National Register of Historic Places
Sites Archeological Bison Kill Site in Harper County

14 National Register of Historic Places
Structures Designed for purposes other than containing people US Highway 77 Bridge in McClain County

15 National Register of Historic Places
Structures Often engineering resources Lake Overholser Dame, Oklahoma County

16 National Register of Historic Places
Structures May be purely functional Turpin Grain Elevator, Beaver County

17 National Register of Historic Places
Objects Primarily small in scale, often artistic, but not necessarily static Pioneer Woman Statue, Ponca City, Kay County

18 National Register of Historic Places
Objects May be individually listed but more likely contribute to the character of a district Robbers Cave State Park

19 National Register of Historic Places
Districts Contiguous areas made up of multiple buildings, sites, structures, and objects that are related Jefferson Park Historic District, Oklahoma City

20 National Register of Historic Places
Districts Can be residential, commercial, or agricultural. Perry Courthouse Square Historic District

21 National Register of Historic Places
Districts Landscapes could be considered districts. Wintersmith Park, Ada

22 National Register of Historic Places
Levels of Significance National State Local

23 National Register of Historic Places
National Level of Significance Demonstrates significance within a national context Bizzell Memorial Library, Cleveland County Nation-wide comparison has to be made Idaho and Oklahoma ranch properties Felt that these examples were gentleman farms based on the information provided Must be scholarly Make comparison with other resource types; ranching practices; commerce; etc. Can not just discuss resource with other SHPOs Think context development. If you can not develop a complete national context for the resource type, do not attempt national significance

24 National Register of Historic Places
National Level of Significance All NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARKS are nationally significant Guthrie NHL standard Places that "possess exceptional value or quality in illustrating and interpreting the heritage of the United States" are designated National Historic Landmarks. Fewer than 2,500 currently

25 National Register of Historic Places
State Level of Significance Properties that are significant at a state-wide level

26 National Register of Historic Places
State Level of Significance Generally viewed within a state-wide context Old Central, Stillwater

27 National Register of Historic Places
Local Level of Significance Most listed properties are significant at the local level Cobb Building, Wagoner

28 National Register of Historic Places
Local Level of Significance Evaluated within the context of the local community Newkirk Central Business District

29 National Register of Historic Places
Local Level of Significance Reflect trends or events that impact history at the local level Alva Armory

30 National Register of Historic Places
Criteria for Evaluation There are four basic criteria under which all properties are evaluated

31 National Register of Historic Places
Association with events Association with persons Design characteristics Ability to yield information

32 National Register of Historic Places
Criterion A Properties that are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history A specific event marking an important moment in American pre-history or history A pattern of events or a historic trend that made a significant contribution to the development of a community, state or nation.

33 National Register of Historic Places
Events Can be singular – happens at a specific place at a specific time Washita Battlefield Rogers Mills County

34 National Register of Historic Places
Events Can be a continuum of minor events. For instance, “Commerce” is considered an event Sulphur Downtown Historic Commercial District

35 National Register of Historic Places
Events Or “Agriculture” could be considered an event McGruders Plots, OSU, Payne County

36 National Register of Historic Places
Events Or “Education” could be considered an event Barnard Elementary School Tecumseh, Pottawatomie County

37 National Register of Historic Places
Criterion B Properties associated with the lives of persons significant in our past You need to compare this property against all others associated with the specific person productive life. Does it best represent the time period when he or she achieved significance

38 National Register of Historic Places
Persons The person must be significant and there must be a direct tie to the property Grant Foreman House, Muskogee

39 National Register of Historic Places
Persons The association between the property and the person must be direct and during the time when the person achieved significance Cain’s Ballroom, Tulsa

40 National Register of Historic Places
Criterion C Properties that embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction or that represent the work of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or that represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components lack individual distinction

41 National Register of Historic Places
Criterion C In simple terms: this Criterion refers to the physical characteristics of the property

42 National Register of Historic Places
Criterion C The most common Criterion used Has many sub-categories under which to evaluate properties

43 National Register of Historic Places
Distinctive Characteristics of a Type Can refer to the form, function or use of a property Bridge No. 18 at Rock Creek, Sapulpa Parker Through Truss

44 National Register of Historic Places
Characteristics of a Period May represent an example of an architectural style Sugg Clinic, Ada Moderne style

45 National Register of Historic Places
Characteristics of Construction Method Recognizes the importance of both vernacular traditions… Beard Cabin, Shawnee

46 National Register of Historic Places
Characteristics of Construction Method …or new technologies Danner House, Sayre

47 National Register of Historic Places
Work of a Master The works of designers or craftsmen who are masters in their fields EUGENE BAVINGER HOUSE , Norman Bruce Goff

48 National Register of Historic Places
Work of a Master May be of national renown Price Tower, Bartlesville Frank Lloyd Wright

49 National Register of Historic Places
Work of a Master Or of local importance Love County Jail and Sheriff’s Residence Walter Taylor, local architect

50 National Register of Historic Places
High Artistic Value Possesses recognizable artistic value Ed Galloway’s Totem Pole Park, Rogers County

51 National Register of Historic Places
High Artistic Value May be a component of a larger entity The Y Chapel of Song, University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond

52 National Register of Historic Places
Distinctive Entity Whose Components Lack Distinction Historic Districts Edgemere Park HD, Oklahoma City

53 National Register of Historic Places
Districts are considered a single entity. Resources within the district are generally not individually eligible Road Culvert Lake Murray State Park

54 National Register of Historic Places
Districts Considered contributing if they reflect the character of the district Contributing resource White City Historic District, Tulsa

55 National Register of Historic Places
Districts Noncontributing if they do not reflect the period of significance Noncontributing resource White City Historic District, Tulsa

56 National Register of Historic Places
Criterion D Properties that have yielded, or may be likely to yield information important in prehistory or history

57 National Register of Historic Places
Information Potential Typically refers to archeological sites Tall Cane Site, Sequoyah County

58 National Register of Historic Places
Information Potential Archeological sites may be prehistoric Cooper Site, Harper County Bison kill site

59 National Register of Historic Places
Information Potential Or Historic Fort Towson, Choctaw County

60 National Register of Historic Places
Information Potential Buildings can also tell us information not readily available through other sources Half-dugout, western Oklahoma

61 National Register of Historic Places
Some properties are normally excluded from National Register of Historic Places of Historic Places eligibility. Under certain circumstances, called “Criteria Considerations,” properties in these categories can be listed

62 National Register of Historic Places
Consideration ‘a’ Owned by a religious institution or used for religious purposes Churches can be listed for other criteria Cherokee Friends Church, Cherokee

63 National Register of Historic Places
Consideration ‘b’ Removed from its original location Moved properties can be listed if much of the historic integrity of the resource is maintained Checotah MKT Depot, Checotah

64 National Register of Historic Places
Consideration ‘c’ A birthplace or a grave Birthplaces or graves can be listed if there is no other resource to associate Jesse Chisolm Gravesite Blaine County

65 National Register of Historic Places
Consideration ‘d’ A cemetery Cemeteries can be listed for design, age, or importance of the persons interred Ross Cemetery, Cherokee County

66 National Register of Historic Places
Consideration ‘e’ A reconstructed building, object, or structure Reconstructions can be listed if part of a sensitive master plan Barracks, Fort Washita, Bryan County

67 National Register of Historic Places
Consideration ‘f’ A commemorative property If the property has achieved significance beyond that of which it commemorates, it can be listed Chief Ne-Kah-Wah-She-Tum-Kah Grave marker, Fairfax

68 National Register of Historic Places
Consideration ‘g’ Less than 50 years of age Properties which are less than 50 years of age can be listed if they demonstrate “exceptional significance” Citizens State Bank, OKC Statistics 1 million ranch homes built between 1948 and 1955 (Brookings Institution) By 2030, 50% of all buildings will be constructed after 2000 (Brookings Institution) 83,000 NR listings which equals approximately 1.5 million individual properties 60% are from the 20th century 3% are criteria G which equals approx 500 properties for Architecture from and meet criteria G Language NPS has not developed a specific language (style terminology) for this era of architecture Because there is no accepted style—we need to identify it by characteristics; i.e. roofline, form, building materials.

69 National Register of Historic Places
Integrity Properties must have a high degree of historic integrity in order to be listed Alterations and additions can compromise the integrity of historic resources There are seven aspects of integrity which are considered when evaluating historic resources

70 National Register of Historic Places
Location Design Setting Materials Workmanship Feeling Association Seven Aspects Of Integrity

71 National Register of Historic Places
Integrity of Location Has the property been moved from its historic or original location? If so, how does that affect its ability to convey its significance?

72 National Register of Historic Places
Integrity of Design Has the original appearance of the resource been altered? Do the alterations impact the original design intent?

73 National Register of Historic Places
Integrity of Setting Has the setting of the property changed? Does this affect its ability to convey its historic significance?

74 National Register of Historic Places
Integrity of Materials Have inappropriate materials been added to the resource?

75 National Register of Historic Places
Integrity of Workmanship Have alterations, additions, or repairs matched the historic fabric in terms of workmanship or craftsmanship?

76 National Register of Historic Places
Integrity of Feeling Does the resource “feel” right? Do the other factors of integrity work together to convey the historic qualities of the resource?

77 National Register of Historic Places
Integrity of Association Is the resource really associated with its historic past? Has that association been compromised?

78 National Register of Historic Places
Integrity Not all seven aspects need be present as long as the overall sense of past time and place is evident

79 National Register of Historic Places
GOAL Five Listings From Each of Oklahoma’s Seventy-seven Counties By November 17, 2007 Cotton (2) Dewey (1) Grant (1) Harmon (2) McClain (2) Major (4) Marshall (1) Nowata (1)

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