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Squaring any Johan van der Auwera & Lauren Van Alsenoy

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Presentation on theme: "Squaring any Johan van der Auwera & Lauren Van Alsenoy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Squaring any Johan van der Auwera & Lauren Van Alsenoy
Centre for Grammar, Cognition and Typology Antwerp University

2 The square of opposition
A three-leveled square of opposition A three-leveled, three-dimensional square => a cube

3 1. The square of opposition

4 1. The square of opposition

5 A E I O necessary impossible possible not necessary
1. The square of opposition necessary impossible A E I O possible not necessary

6 Languages do not lexicalize the O-value
1. The square of opposition Larry Horn (1989) Languages do not lexicalize the O-value

7 1. The square of opposition

8 pas tous pas chaque tous, chaque ne …. aucun quelques
1. The square of opposition tous, chaque ne …. aucun pas tous pas chaque quelques

9 pas tous pas chaque tous, chaque ne …. aucun quelques
1. The square of opposition tous, chaque ne …. aucun pas tous pas chaque quelques *netous, *nechaque

10 pas tous pas chaque tous, chaque ne …. aucun quelques
1. The square of opposition tous, chaque ne …. aucun pas tous pas chaque quelques

11 pas tous pas chaque *naucun tous, chaque ne …. aucun quelques
1. The square of opposition *naucun tous, chaque ne …. aucun pas tous pas chaque quelques *netous, *nechaque

12 pas tous pas chaque *naucun tous, chaque ne …. aucun quelques
1. The square of opposition *naucun nullus (ne …) nul ne … nul Ø tous, chaque ne …. aucun pas tous pas chaque quelques *netous, *nechaque

13 Is there also a history of E?
1. The square of opposition First problem: Is there also a history of E?

14 There are however O-expressions
1. The square of opposition Second problem: There are however O-expressions

15 Some O-expressions are composed ones
1. The square of opposition Some O-expressions are composed ones

16 Some expressions are composed ones
1. The square of opposition Some expressions are composed ones

17 Some expressions are interesting!
1. The square of opposition Some expressions are interesting!

18 Some expressions ARE interesting
1. The square of opposition Some expressions ARE interesting must, have to can’t, mustn’t must, have to may, can needn’t

19 1. The square of opposition
Third problem: Given that some O- expressions are interesting, one should retain the O-value

20 No projection to a triangle
1. The square of opposition 1. le carré des oppositions Horn 1990 Jettison = reject, nadir = the other side of the earth, sun/moon below. Vertex = highest point, apex = top of triagnle No projection to a triangle

21 No three-cornered square
1. The square of opposition Horn 1990 No three-cornered square

22 A three-leveled square
2. Three-leveled square of opposition A three-leveled square

23 Three-leveled square necessary not necessary van der Auwera 1996
2. Three-leveled square of opposition necessary not necessary Three-leveled square van der Auwera 1996

24 Three-leveled square with five values
2. Three-leveled square of opposition necessary 1 2 not necessary 3 Three-leveled square with five values

25 Three-leveled square with five values
2. Three-leveled square of opposition A I necessary possible not necessary O E Three-leveled square with five values

26 Three-leveled square with five values
2. Three-leveled square of opposition A I necessary at least possible, perhaps necessary only possible not necessary O E Three-leveled square with five values

27 Three-leveled square A I necessary not necessary O E contradiction
2. Three-leveled square of opposition A I necessary not necessary O E contradiction Three-leveled square

28 Three-leveled square contradiction contraries A I necessary
2. Three-leveled square of opposition A I necessary not necessary O E contradiction contraries Three-leveled square

29 Three-leveled square contradictories contraries subcontraries A I
2. Three-leveled square of opposition A I necessary not necessary O E contradictories contraries subcontraries Three-leveled square

30 Three-leveled square contraries implication subcontraries
2. Three-leveled square of opposition A I necessary not necessary O E contraries implication subcontraries contradictories Three-leveled square

31 Three-leveled square with five values
2. Three-leveled square of opposition A I necessary at least possible, perhaps necessary only possible not necessary O E Contraries implication Contradictories subcontraries Three-leveled square with five values

32 Three-leveled square for quantifiers in English
2. Three-leveled square of opposition Three-leveled square for quantifiers in English Aussi pour les quantificateurs

33 For quantifiers in French
2. Three-leveled square of opposition For quantifiers in French

34 Fourth problem: etymologically very different forms in same region:
2. Three-leveled square of opposition Fourth problem: etymologically very different forms in same region: English: someone/anyone in non-assertive contexts Latin: nonnullus and nonnumquam

35 Same form in same context in different regions:
2. Three-leveled square of opposition Same form in same context in different regions: “strong” and “weak” indefinites: in ENGLISH: There are sm men in the garden. SOME flags are green. (Jaspers 2005: 178)

36 Different forms for “strong” and “weak” meaning: In Dutch
2. Three-leveled square of opposition Different forms for “strong” and “weak” meaning: In Dutch Sommige regeringen waren niet veel beter als de bankiers. Er waren enkele mensen ziek.

37 2. Three-leveled square of opposition
NOT NO (nonnullus) Center is not some-but-not-all but both inclusive some-possibly-all and exclusive some Former at-least-some area is now reserved for complex nonnullus-like indefinites or composed ones

38 What are these map points: contexts? Meanings? Meanings or contexts?
2. problems with the map itself 2. Three-leveled square of opposition (Haspelmath 1997) Problems with map: What are these map points: contexts? Meanings? Meanings or contexts?

39 Our solution: meanings-in-context
2. problems with the map itself 2. Three-leveled square of opposition (Haspelmath 1997) Our solution: meanings-in-context

40 For every value, there are several constructions
2. Three-leveled square of opposition not no Fifth problem: For every value, there are several constructions Aussi pour les quantificateurs de l’anglais

41 For every value, there are several constructions
2. Three-leveled square of opposition each every not no Fifth problem: For every value, there are several constructions

42 For every value, there are several constructions
2. Three-leveled square of opposition each every any Did you see somebody/anybody? not no Fifth problem: For every value, there are several constructions

43 For every value, there are several constructions
2. Three-leveled square of opposition each every any Did you see somebody/anybody? I saw nobody. I didn’t see anybody. not no not any Fifth problem: For every value, there are several constructions

44 For every value, there are several constructions
2. Three-leveled square of opposition each every any Did you see somebody/anybody? I saw nobody. I didn’t see anybody. not no not any Fifth problem: For every value, there are several constructions

45 For every value, there are several constructions
2. Three-leveled square of opposition each every any Did you see somebody/anybody? any I saw nobody. I didn’t see anybody. not no Anybody/Everybody can do that. not any Fifth problem: For every value, there are several constructions

46 For every value, there are several constructions
2. Three-leveled square of opposition each every any any not no not any not any Fifth problem: For every value, there are several constructions

47 For every value, there are several constructions
2. Three-leveled square of opposition each every any any not no not any not any Fifth problem: For every value, there are several constructions

48 Sixth problem: The mystery of ANY
2. Three-leveled square of opposition each every any any not no not any not any Sixth problem: The mystery of ANY

49 2. Three-leveled square of opposition
some any

50 ∃ some specific reference any non-specific reference
2. Three-leveled square of opposition some specific reference any non-specific reference Somebody called me. Did anybody call me?

51 ∃ some specific reference any non-specific reference
2. Three-leveled square of opposition some specific reference any non-specific reference Somebody called me. Did anybody call me?

52 ∀ ∃ any some specific reference any non-specific reference
Somebody called me. Did anybody call me?

53 ∀ ∃ any non-specific reference some specific reference
Anybody can call me. some specific reference any non-specific reference Somebody called me. Did anybody call me?

54 ∀ ∃ any non-specific reference some specific reference
Anybody can call me. some specific reference any non-specific reference Somebody called me. Did anybody call me?

55 ∀ ∃ ∀∼ ∼∃ any non-specific reference some specific reference
Anybody can call me. some specific reference any non-specific reference Somebody called me. Did anybody call me? no ∀∼ ∼∃

56 ∀ ∃ ∀∼ ∼∃ any non-specific reference some specific reference
Anybody can call me. some specific reference any non-specific reference Somebody called me. Did anybody call me? no non-specific reference ∀∼ ∼∃ Don’t ask any old bloke for directions.

57 ∀ ∃ ∼∀ ∼∃ any non-specific reference some specific reference
Anybody can call me. some specific reference any non-specific reference Somebody called me. Did anybody call me? no non-specific reference ∼∀ ∼∃ Don’t ask any old bloke for directions. I never ask anybody for directions.

58 Non-specific existential
3. The cube of opposition univ Non-specific existential non zero Specific existential non univ zero

59 Non-spec existential non zero non univ zero zéro
3. The cube of opposition univ Non-spec existential non zero Specific existential non univ zero zéro

60 3. The cube of opposition univ Non-spec exi non univ zero English any

61 English any 3. The cube of opposition univ univ Non-spec exi
non univ zero zero English any

62 English any 3. The cube of opposition univ univ Non-spec exi
non univ zero zero zero English any

63 Er lagen enige boeken op tafel. (2) Heb je enig idee?
3. The cube of opposition univ univ Non-spec exi Non-spec exi Non-spec exi non univ zero zero zero English any Er lagen enige boeken op tafel. (2) Heb je enig idee? (3) Nooit heb ik enig succes gekend. Non-spec exi spec exi zero Dutch enig

64 English any Dutch enig allemand einig German einig
3. The cube of opposition univ univ Non-spec exi Non-spec exi Non-spec exi non univ zero zero zero English any Non-spec exi spec exi spec exi zero Dutch enig allemand einig German einig

65 Conclusion

66 References FOBBE, Eilika Die Indefinitpronomina des Deutschen. Aspekte ihrer Verwendung und ihrer historischen Entwicklung. Heidelberg: Winter. HASPELMATH, Martin Indefinite pronouns. Oxford: Oxford University Press. HOEKSEMA, Jack Dutch ENIG: From nonveridicality to downward entailment, In: ZEIJLSTRA, Hedde / SOEHN, Jan-Philipp (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Polarity. , 8-15. – (in print) Negative and positive polarity items: an investigation of the interplay of lexical meaning and global conditions of expression. In: HORN, Laurence R. (ed.), The expression of negation. Berlin: Mouton. – / KLEIN, Henny Negative predicates and their arguments, Linguistic Analysis 25: , HORN, Laurence R Hamburgers and Truth: Why Gricean explanation is Gricean, In: HALL, Kira / KOENIG, Jean-Pierre / Meacham, Michael / REINMAN, Sondra / SUTTON, Laurel A. (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society, JÄGER, Agnes History of German Negation. Amsterdam: Benjamins. JASPERS, Dany Operators in the Lexicon. On the Negative Logic of Natural Language. VAN DER AUWERA, Johan Modality: the three-layered scalar square, Journal of Semantics 13: – In defense of classical semantic maps,Theoretical Linguistics 34: – in print. ‘On the diachrony of negation’, In: HORN, Laurence R. (ed.), The expression of negation. Berlin: Mouton. – / TAEYMANS, Martine The need modals and their polarity”, In: BOWEN Rhonwen / MOBÄRG, Mats / OHLANDER, Sven (eds.), Corpora and Discourse – and Stuff. Papers in Honour of Karin Aijmer. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg, – / VAN ALSENOY, Lauren. (in print). Indefiniteness maps: problems, prospects and ‘retrospects’. Atti del Convegno della Società Italiana di Glottologia (Palermo 2008). – / VAN ALSENOY, Lauren. (in print) Mapping indefiniteness: towards a Neo-Aristotelian approach, Proceedings 19th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Thessaloniki April 2009. – / VAN ALSENOY, Lauren (submitted) Indefinite pronouns: synchrony and diachrony – comments on Willis.

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