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On your whiteboard What can you remember about the main religious groups at the time of Jesus?

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Presentation on theme: "On your whiteboard What can you remember about the main religious groups at the time of Jesus?"— Presentation transcript:

1 On your whiteboard What can you remember about the main religious groups at the time of Jesus?

2 Religious Groups

3 Using images, show me the political situation in 1st Century Palestine
On your whiteboard… Using images, show me the political situation in 1st Century Palestine


5 The World of the First Century
The impact of these influences (social, political and religious) on Jesus’ life and work Key Questions: How did the context of 1st Century Palestine affect Jesus? What are A Level questions like? How do we answer them?

6 So, how do these groups/ influences fit together
So, how do these groups/ influences fit together? Laws and Ethics in 1st Century Palestine Romans very much in charge. Emperor was to be worshipped. Herod was a representative of the Emperor. Romans ensured peace and obedience. Did not like troublemakers. Lots of punishments (including crucifixions. Usually public and humiliating to deter others). Also imposed taxes. Jews had to follow this, but considered Torah the real law. But lots of disagreement about interpretation of Torah. Sanhedrin resolved legal disputes. Many aspects of Greco-Roman culture went against Jewish ethics eg. Gladiator battles, prostitution and inter-racial/interfaith marriage. Most Jews not a member of a religious party (ie. Sadducees/ Pharisees) but followed them and looked to them for legal/ ethical guidance.

7 Impact of these influences on Jesus’ life and work
ROMANS Needed to keep peace and order. Didn’t want a revolt, so needed to execute Jesus. Romans kept control through Sadducees, and Jesus opposed the Sadducees, so was therefore a threat to Rome.

8 Impact of these influences on Jesus’ life and work
SADDUCEES High priest appointed by Rome and responsible for keeping peace in Jerusalem. Needed to keep Romans happy so they’d continue to allow priesthood and temple system. Jesus also argued with the Sadducees in public. So it suited them for Jesus to be killed.

9 Impact of these influences on Jesus’ life and work
Jesus was a charismatic leader. Seen as a potential political revolutionary to the Romans. If Palestine wasn’t occupied by Rome, Jesus wouldn’t have been executed. Religious leaders still wouldn’t have liked him, but wouldn’t have killed him. Pharisees and Sadducees were trying to get him arrested so they asked him questions in public that would make him say something illegal (either against Jewish or Roman law). This questioning led to some of Jesus’ most important teachings.

10 Paying Taxes to Caesar What happened?
Relationship between Jesus and Pharisees and Romans?

11 Greatest Commandment What happened?
Relationship between Jesus and Pharisees and Sadducees?

12 Lord of the Sabbath What happened?
Relationship between Jesus and Pharisees?

13 Bringing this topic together: Impact of political/social/religious context on Jesus’ life and work
What life events might have been different? What aspects of his teaching might have been different?

14 A Level Questions Section A
Explore 8 Assess 12 Section B (a piece of text from the anthology) Clarify 10 Analyse 20 Section C (long essay making links with other topics) Evaluate 30

15 “explore” and “clarify” = AO1
Testing your knowledge and understanding Include technical terms and details Demonstrate your understanding Write in a logical order

16 “assess”, “analyse” and “evaluate” = AO2
Testing your arguing skills Use what you have learnt to put together a reasoned argument Include reference to both sides Come to a conclusion about the question

17 Assess the significance of the political situation in 1st-century Palestine for the life and work of Jesus (12 marks) What is this question asking you to do?

18 For AO2 questions, you ALWAYS need a plan

19 Assess the significance of the political situation in 1st-century Palestine for the life and work of Jesus (12 marks)

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