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The triangle of healthcare needs

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2 The triangle of healthcare needs
Doctor office visits Specialist treatment Surgery Hospitalization ICU Rx drugs Highest Lowest Member Discretion

3 The Destiny Model Comprehensive High-deductible coverage Insurance &
HIAA The Destiny Model High-deductible coverage Hospital and Surgery Rider Chronic Medication Rider Comprehensive Insurance & Member Advocacy The key question in the pursuit of a sustainable and affordable healthcare plan must be the correct coverage of this triangle. But if you acknowledge the power of the consumer, one has to understand where consumers have an impact. So, the correct way to think about covering this triangle, is to focus on empowering consumers where they can make choices and do have an impact. The focus here is on creating the right incentives for members to responsibly manage their own healthcare. Where events are more infrequent and costly, that requires a pooling of money such as insurance and contractual and other controls to manage cost and quality. Providing members with protection where they really need it. This really is the heart of the Destiny solution. Let’s go into some more detail as to how it works. Personal Medical Fund Member incentives continuity.ppt

4 The Destiny Health Vitality Program
HIAA The Destiny Health Vitality Program Health and Wellness Guidelines Vitality Points Vitality Status What this all leads to is healthier and happier members. Vitality Rewards continuity.ppt

5 Destiny Health: Changing Behavior
40% take a more active role in well-being and physical activity 18% reduced number of doctor visits by using nurse line or audio library 44% asked pharmacist for lower cost Rx 34% improved preventive healthcare regimen Strong Anecdotal Evidence of Success

6 Destiny Health Renewal Experience (mostly small group)
Average Renewal Increase: 14.6% PMF Carryovers: 57% of members Average PMF Carryover: $310 Renewals after carryover: 5.8% Overall lapse rate to date: 3.6% A More Sustainable Solution

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