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1 Sin

2 Activity Get into groups of three and answer the following questions:
In your group, come up with a definition of sin. What does sin look like (in your imagination)? What causes you to sin?

3 The Simpsons Watch the episode Homer vs Lisa and the Eighth Commandment There will be questions to follow!

4 Reflection Questions Homer knows that receiving cable without paying the monthly premium is against the law. Why is he so anxious to do it anyway? (Homer caves into temptation and rationalizes the cable theft. He doesn’t feel that cable theft is a big deal anyway) Why do people rationalize theft? Is there such a thing as a victimless crime? Or victimless sin? Is there a difference between sins? Are some sins bigger than others?

5 Note – Types of Sin For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must together be met: “Mortal sin is sin whose object is a grave matter and that is also committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent”. Mortal Sin – is a sin that puts your soul in jeopardy. Venial Sin – One who does not observe the standard of the moral law, but without full knowledge or without complete consent.

6 Textbook Read page 85 “What is Sin?”

7 Application Model a full paragraph response to the following scenario. The answer should include direct quotes from the example. What type of sin is it? Prove it. (Mortal vs. Venial) Does it break a commandment? Melissa did not like the grade 8 students of Sacred Heart because they sprayed their perfume throughout the hallways of the school, choking her as she rushed to get to English class. One day, Melissa was overly frustrated with the grade 8's, so she pulled the fire alarm to clear the hallways. As a result, all the students of the school were pulled out of class – resulting in lost teaching time.

8 Application Melissa did not like the grade 8 students of Sacred Heart because they sprayed their perfume throughout the hallways of the school, choking her as she rushed to get to English class. One day, Melissa was overly frustrated with the grade 8's, so she pulled the fire alarm to clear the hallways. As a result, all the students of the school were pulled out of class – resulting in lost teaching time. When Melissa pulls the fire alarm to clear the hallways, she is committing a mortal sin. Pulling the fire alarm is something that should only be done in the event of a fire, not just to “clear the hallways”; otherwise it is a violation of the eighth commandment: Thou shall not bear false witness, which is a prohibition against lying. Melissa is fully aware that there is no fire, and that pulling the alarm will result in lost teaching time, but she still does it anyway. Finally, she gives deliberate consent, as no one forced her to pull the alarm.

9 Application Model a full paragraph response to the following scenario. The answer should include direct quotes from the example. What type of sin is it? Prove it. (Mortal vs. Venial) Does it break a commandment? Andrew normally gets along well with his parents. But after a fight with his friends, getting a bad mark on his math test and missing his bus home, he arrives home to his mother who asks, “How was your day?” He loses his patience and snaps, “None of your business” and storms off to his room.

10 Application Model a full paragraph response to the following scenario. The answer should include direct quotes from the example. What type of sin is it? Prove it. (Mortal vs. Venial) Does it break a commandment? Mike asks his parents if he can go to Meg’s house party. They ask if her parents will be home – and he lies, telling them that her parents will be there the whole time, when he knows they won’t.

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