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Radiation protection organisation

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1 Radiation protection organisation
Sigrid Kozielski Group leader for radiation protection 15 January, 2019

2 Outline Radiation protection at ESS
Radiation Protection Group : Role, Mission Services Radiation Protection Expert/Radiation Protection Officer Training and Qualification Authority Area of responsibility and RPE function Conclusion and next steps

3 Radiation protection at ESS
Director General of ESS Environment Safety and Health(ESH) & Quality (Q) ESH Occupational Safety Radiation Protection Q

4 Radiation Protection Group Mission
ESS Document “Functional description for the Radiation Protection Group” (ESS ) The Radiation Protection Group provides expertise and services in radiation protection Is in charge of the Radiation Protection Handbook, which outlines the regulatory frame work for matters of radiation protection Protecting people on the ESS site and the public from ionising radiation hazards linked to ESS activities.

5 Role of the Radiation Protection Group
The Radiation Protection Group tasks include Assessment of radiological risks Classification of work places in radiological zones Implementation of control measures Monitoring the implementation of regulations and of specific rulings Approval of ALARA plans Control and characterisation of radioactive material and waste Monitoring of radiation levels Assessment of the impact of ionising radiation on the environment Radiation Protection Group must provide operational as well as service tasks.

6 Radiation protection group now
Sigrid Kozielski (Group leader) Lena Johansson Riccardo Bevilacqua Ida Bergström Alasdair Day Daniela Ene Juha Hast Per Persson Fredrik Tidholm Manormar Kumar (consultant) Tobias Hornfeldt (consultant)

7 Radiation Protection Group - Services
Storage of activated materials Personal dosimetry Radiation monitoring Radioactive sources Radioactive waste Analytical laboratory

8 Service, Installation and Operation
The Radiation Protection Group specifies, installs and operates on behalf of ESS Radiation monitoring systems for ambient dosimetry Spectrometry laboratory for operational radiation protection and radioactive waste management Personal dosimetry service to monitor individual doses of radiation workers Calibration service for radiation protection instruments to ensure the metrological traceability of measurements Pre-conditioning and storage facility for radioactive waste Control of storage and inventory of activated materials

9 Staff for Services so far…
Radiation Protection Group staff Radiation monitoring Alasdair Day Juha Hast One technician to be recruited Personal dosimetry (active and passive) Ida Bergström Fredrik Tidholm Analytical laboratory Recruitment in progress, position opened Radioactive sources Alasdair Day, to be transferred to person managing the analytical laboratory Radioactive waste Per Persson

10 Radiation Protection Expert/Radiation Protection Officer
Expertise of Radiation Protection Expert (RPE) defined in the Swedish regulation (§12, §13 of SSMFS 2018:1, translated version: ESS ) “Academic degree in physics, technology, chemistry, or biology, or other relevant education Expertise in radiation protection and applicable legislation in the field, and At least three years’ experience in radiation protection work within relevant practice area” Expertise of a Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) is defined in European Directive 2013/59/EURATOM as a person… “..technically competent in RP matters relevant for a given type of practice to supervise or perform the implementation of RP arrangements.”

11 Assignment of RPE’s and RPO’s
According to Swedish regulation the employer must ensure that the persons working in radiation protection are having the expertise. This must be systematically identified and documented (§10-11 of SSMFS 2018:1) The RPE is a person fully recognised and registered by the SSM through the license Suggestion: All radiation protection staff members with competence and fit in radiation protection are RPO’s and fulfil the requirements outlined in the European Directive 2013/59/EURATOM RPEs shall be responsible for a designated area with the support of RPOs carrying out day-to-day tasks All lead persons in radiation protection services shall be RPEs or RPOs

12 Training and qualification
As there is no official training scheme for radiation protection all staff all RPEs RPOs must keep their knowledge in RP matters up to date by Regular training in radiation protection by attending courses provided by SSM or other international radiation protection organisations Regular attendance of conferences in radiation protection and accelerator safety Regular visits to other accelerators or neutron facilities, exchange of experiences and lessons learned Note: RPE and RPO training as well as workers training will be part of the Radiation Protection Handbook, Chapter 11 “Training”.

13 Authority RPEs and RPOs shall have the responsibility in their assigned area They represent the main contact in their assigned area of competence and area of responsibility They authorise the operation of equipment, the installation or activity generating ionising radiation in case of compliance with ESS’s radiation protection rules They have the right to suspend the operation of equipment, the installation or activity generating ionising radiation in case of non-compliance with ESS’s radiation protection rules

14 RPE – role and tasks The Swedish regulation outlines in Appendix 5 of SSMFS 2018:1 the areas that need to be covered by the RPEs. Some mentioned areas apply to all areas where RPEs are assigned to Design facilities, premises and workplaces Division of controlled and supervised areas …. Some are covered by services of the RP group Disposal of radioactive waste Monitoring of the environment for workers and the general public ….. Suggestion: The areas are organised and implemented into the RP group structure

15 Radiation Protection – areas of responsibility
General Radiation Protection Ion Source Accelerator Target Hot Cell Waste Building Test Stands Klystron Gallery Experimental Hall incl. Neutron Guides Storage Areas for Activated Material

16 RPE Function - Conclusion
Currently, we have one RPE (Lena Johansson) responsible for all areas at ESS. Ida Bergström acts as RPO for the Ion Source/LEBT commissioning supported by Fredrik Tidholm. Future plans: Radiation protection expert function will be a group of RPEs within the RP group Suggestion 1: Assign RPE – once approved by SSM - for defined and agreed area of responsibility Suggestion 2: The acting RPE for General RP shall report to the SSM, all other RPEs and services report to the RPE for General RP

17 Next steps Update and revision of document Functional Description of Radiation Protection Group Update of Chapter 1 (Policy) and Chapter 2 (General rules) regarding the role of RP staff within the organisation Create, publish and communicate a document where all assigned RPEs/RPOs are listed Review of R2A2 (Position, Role, Tasks and Authority) of each RP group staff member according to the assigned role within RP group.

18 Thank you for your attention !

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